Katrin product certifications and labels

Developing and producing well-functioning products, with a high and consistent quality, that are safe to use and have a low environmental impact, is an important and continuous process for us.

To make sure this activity never comes to standstill, and progresses in the right direction, we have chosen to certify our processes and our products according to different certification schemes. The certification bodies continuously put demands on us, often ahead of legislation, to improve in order to stay certified. Also, in addition to placing demands, they provide us with valuable support and ideas for how we can improve.

Market demands from consumers, professional buyers and public procurers are rising generally, but specifically in the need for sustainable products. To support this, the Katrin range of products are always up to date for quality requirements and environmental certificates. Hence by selling, buying, and using Katrin products in washrooms and for industrial wiping, you ensure that environmental, economic, and social requirements will always be met.

Below you can read more about the different certifications we hold, what they stand for and what the benefits are to you as a reseller, customer, or user.

The CE marking

The CE marking indicates that the manufacturer of the product guarantees that the product conforms to the essential requirements set out in the applicable EU directives and regulations. The CE marking can only be affixed to products that require a CE marking in accordance with applicable product legislation.

The CE marking - Benefits for Katrin customers

We have verified and ensure that the products you sell, buy or use are safe according to standards set by the EU."



Dermatologically tested label

Dermatologically tested labelling signifies that the product is tested on different skin types under the supervision of a dermatologist. Based on the testing conducted by an external party, the products labelled with Dermatologically tested label are harmless as regards the possiblity of skin irritation.

Dermatologically tested label - Benefits for Katrin customers

When this label is on the product packaging you can rest assured that the products you sell, buy or use will not, in most cases, cause skin irritation.


The EU Ecolabel

The EU Ecolabel is a voluntary indicator of environmental performance for businesses. The purpose of the scheme is to promote the sales of products which meet strict ecological criteria. The criteria for the label is administered by the EU Commission and product-specific applications are processed in EU member states.

The award of the European Union for products that meet high environmental requirements. Tissue products with this award consist of recycled fibres or fresh fibres from 100% sustainably managed forests.

The criteria includes that the emissions produced during production must not exceed defined values in air and water. Additionally, energy consumption should be limited, there must be a minimum amount of fibres from sustainable forestry and the use of chemicals is strictly regulated.

The EU Ecolabel - Benefits for Katrin customers

When selling, buying, or using a product with the EU Ecolabel you can be confident that it is a product produced with concern for the environment.

There is a significant demand for sustainable goods and services, which is something that is also apparent in the strict demands within public tenders. The EU Ecolabel provides an extra level of confidence for those making purchasing decisions. You can also be proud and confident that you are providing products to your customers that are among the top performing of their kind with regards to environmental impact.


Glass-and-fork symbol

A product with a Glass-and-fork symbol is suitable to be used in food contact as specified in the declaration of compliance of each product, or in packaging. If the product is only suitable for short-term food contact, ”for wiping” is required to be mentioned under the label.

Glass-and-fork symbol - Benefits for Katrin customers

The Glass-and-fork label allows you to see at a glance whether that the products that you sell, buy or use are suitable for use in contact with food.


Green Pack label

Green Pack packaging contains recycled plastic. The label is Metsä Tissue's own packaging label.

Green Pack label - Benefits for Katrin customers

By selling, buying, or using Katrin products with this label you help to reduce the use of fossil raw material as it means that at least 30% of the plastic used is recycled.


ISO 14001

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System is used to manage a company's environmental responsibilities systematically.

ISO 14001 - Benefits for Katrin customers

Metsä Tissue and hence Katrin products are certified according to ISO 14001. When you sell, buy, or use the products you can feel confident they have been produced with respect for the environment. And, that there is an ongoing process to continuously improve with regards to environmental aspects.


ISO 9001

ISO 9001 Quality Management System sets out the criteria for a quality management.

ISO 9001 - Benefits for Katrin customers

The ISO 9001 certification ensures that you have access to Katrin-products to sell, buy or use that are of a high and consistent quality. It also means that we continuously put work in to improve processes and products to provide competitive products with regards to functionality and quality.



The Nordic Swan Ecolabel

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is a voluntary indicator of environmental performance for businesses. It assesses products’ environmental impacts throughout their life cycles. The label guarantees compliance with strict environmental criteria in the manufacturing of the product.

The official ecolabel of the Nordic countries. It has a life cycle perspective and places high environmental standards that are constantly being tested. For a product to receive the license of the Nordic Ecolabel, it must be in one of the 63 certified product areas and meet all requirements for the corresponding product type.

The criteria includes that the emissions produced during production must not exceed defined values in air and water. Additionally, energy consumption should be limited, there must be a minimum amount of fibres from sustainable forestry and the use of chemicals is strictly regulated.

The Nordic Swan Ecolabel - Benefits for Katrin customers

Sustainability is increasing in importance to people, companies, and organizations around the globe. When selling, buying, or using a product with the Nordic Swan label you can be confident that it is a product produced with concern for the environment. It also means that you are working within the boundaries of the UN Global Sustainability Goals.

Public demand for sustainable goods and services is growing significantly. This is something also seen in increased demands within public tenders. By offering Katrin products with this label you will pass and exceed the threshold for sustainable confidence and can be proud and confident in providing products that are among the top performing of their kind with regards to environmental impact.

In addition, offering eco-labelled products and services strengthens your company's image as a conscious and responsible company. According to the Nordic Swan organisation it has also been shown that the Swan label often helps to increasing pride among employees and can be an excellent way to attract new employees.


PEFC Chain of Custody requirements include requirements for wood sources, documentation, internal control, definition of the certification share in products and its’ communication to customers. Forest certification takes into account social, ecological and economical aspects in forest management operations and it is a valuable tool to increase sustainability.

PEFC and FSC are both forest / wood certification organisations with a goal to stop over-exploitation and promote sustainable forestry.

PEFC - Benefits for Katrin customers

Demand for sustainable products is increasing in society. When selling, buying, and using a product with the PEFC-label you can be confident that you are making a sustainable choice.

Demand for sustainable products in professional and public tenders are also increasing. By offering Katrin PEFC-labelled products you meet the threshold to gain access to that market.

As a reseller of our PEFC-certified products you can use the PEFC-label in your marketing. (For more info about this license see https://www.pefc.org/for-business/brands-and-retailers/promote-your-sustainable-material)




FSC® Chain of Custody requirements include requirements for wood sources, documentation, internal control, definition of the certification share in products and its’ communication to customers. Forest certification takes into account social, ecological and economical aspects in forest management operations and it is a valuable tool to increase sustainability.

FSC and PEFC are both forest / wood certification organisations with a goal to stop over-exploitation and promote sustainable forestry.


PZH Product Proof, Poland

The Product Proof of Health Quality is issued by the Polish National Institute of Public Health - National Institute of Hygiene. This is a prestigious award, issued by a renowned research and service institution.

PZH Product Warrant - Benefits for Katrin customers

This award confirms that our products meet the highest standards of health safety and hygiene. Obtaining this testimonial involves going through rigorous testing and analysis, as well as acceptance of laboratory test results, which guarantees that Katrin products are safe for consumers and meet all required standards.

Świadectwo PZH

Katrin is always clean & green

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