Metsä Board has defined the managers required to disclose to the Finnish Financial Supervision Authority (FSA) and the Company all transactions made with Metsä Board shares and related financial instruments. Such managers include the Board of Directors, the CEO, and the CFO. The foregoing managers are further responsible for determining the persons and companies closely associated with them, who are also subject to similar disclosure requirements.
Members of the Corporate Management Team (CMT) excluding the CEO and the CFO are not subject to these requirements. However, CMT members are required by the Company to notify the Company of any changes in their holdings of Metsä Board shares and other financial instruments. Metsä Board discloses these holdings on this webpage. They are updated quarterly.
Metsä Board's managers and persons involved in the preparation of financial reporting information may not trade in Metsä Board shares or other financial instruments during the closed window (i.e. a 30-day period before the release of interim report or financial statements bulletin). See the closed window periods in here.
Shareholdings of the members of the Board of Directors, CEO and CFO
Required to disclose to the FSA and the Company all transactions made. Situation as at 31 December 2024:
Manager | Position | Shareholding, all B shares |
Ilkka Hämälä | Chair | 301,849 |
Jussi Linnaranta | Vice Chair | 42,251 |
Leena Craelius | Member | 4,761 |
Raija-Leena Hankonen-Nybom | Member | 22,653 |
Erja Hyrsky | Member | 19,269 |
Mari Kiviniemi | Member | 13,446 |
Jukka Moisio | Member | 22,044 |
Mikko Mäkimattila | Member | 9,813 |
Juha Vanhainen | Member | 14,221 |
Mika Joukio | CEO | 377,846 |
Henri Sederholm | CFO | 60,000 |
Shareholdings of the Corporate Management Team (excluding CEO and CFO)
Not required to disclose to the FSA and the Company the transactions made, Information is based on managers' own notifications. Updated at least quarterly. Situation as at 31 December 2024:
Name | Position | Shareholding, all B shares |
Markku Leskelä | SVP, Development | 29,615 |
Jussi Noponen | SVP, Sales and Supply chain | 93,806 |
Harri Pihlajaniemi | SVP, Production and Technology | 32,745 |
Camilla Wikström | SVP, HR | 28,293 |