Share capital

Metsä Board's share capital on 31 December 2023 was EUR 557,881,540.40.

The company has a total of 355,512,746 shares, which are divided into:.

  • 32,802,175 A-shares and 
  • 322,710,571 B-shares

Each A-share entitles its holder to twenty (20) votes at a General Meeting of Shareholders, and each B-share entitles the holder to one (1) vote. All shares carry the same right to receive a dividend.

Changes in share capital and number of total shares

Year Action Change in share capital, EUR million Change in number of shares Share capital1), EUR million Total number of shares1)
2015 Share offering no change +27,347,134 557.9 355,512,746
2004 Rights issue  +253.6 +149,166,187 557.9 328,165,612
2001 Rights issue +68.0 +40,000,000 304.3 178,999,425
2000 Change in nominal value +2.5 no change 236.3 138,999,425
1) at the year end