In total, five different printed designs – one for each of the five different coffees in the range – were produced, helping the company to generate a strong social impact around the product and the extraordinary brand story that sits behind it.
“Our goal was to create an outstanding coffee package in a highly competitive coffee market. The package needed to draw attention and support the special story of our coffee”, says Linda Tammerijn, Managing Director, Koffiebranderij Zuivere Koffie, the only organic coffee brand in the world roasted in a prison. Zuivere Koffie offers motivated current and former prisoners a second chance by learning a new craft. Through employment in its coffee roastery and coffee bars, the company gives its workers a fair chance of a successful return to society.
With such a strong story to tell, getting the right look and feel of the packaging was critical. The company’s branding is a tattoo style, rich with symbolism. To create packaging with good tactility, MetsäBoard Classic FBB 290 g/m2 was selected thanks to its superior stiffness and excellent sensory and hygienic properties. For maximum impact, thickening bubble spot UV varnish was used to emphasise the graphic artwork lines printed on the uncoated side to express the tactile effect.
Metsä Board’s paperboard provided high performance in printing and converting. “Application of UV thickening varnish on uncoated board is challenging, especially on the creases,” explains Willem Kooijman, Sales Representative from Remmert Dekker Packaging that printed and converted the packaging.
Clever packaging design also helped the company to realise its sustainability goal. 99% of the world's coffee packaging has an aluminum interior and a plastic exterior and therefore cannot be recycled. Zuivere Koffie’s plastic packaging has a unique patented plastic valve, which can be recycled with plastic. MetsäBoard Classic FBB, used for the outer packaging, was printed with environmentally friendly inks and can be easily recycled after the use.