The biopower plant at the Kyro mill currently produces one third of the electricity used by the board mill. Thanks to the improved efficiency of the new turbine, the share of electricity produced by the biopower plant will increase to 50%. The mill is already self-sufficient in heat. 85% of the mill's total electricity consumption is already fossil free, and as the need for purchased electricity decreases after the investment, the share of fossil free electricity will increase further.

"By increasing the share of fossil free electricity, we are becoming more climate sustainable. The investment will also improve the safety of electricity work in the mill area and the predictability of the mill's electricity costs," says Petri Huiko, VP Metsä Board Kyro.

The investment is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024. In addition to the new turbine and generator, the electrical equipment will also be replaced. Electricity production at the biopower plant will be interrupted for three months due to the investment, but heat production and the running of the board machine will not be affected.

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