According to the LOHAS2020 study, a growing number of consumers are considering the consequences of their consumption behaviour. Up to two out of three Finnish consumers would like to have more information on which packaging would be the best choice for both the environment and the shelf life of the product.
“This was the third LOHAS consumer survey to address packaging issues extensively. Compared to previous studies conducted in 2011 and 2014, a lifestyle that supports both personal health and sustainable development has become an increasingly important factor in driving consumer behaviour. The coronavirus pandemic has probably further increased consumers' understanding of the core benefits of packaging,” says Virpi Korhonen from Sense N Insight.
Packaging has a significant impact on perceived sustainability image of the product. Half of LOHAS heavy consumers said they felt guilty about buying products whose packaging they considered harmful to the environment. Of the low-carbon products, paperboard was considered a modern, safe and ecological alternative.
“Two thirds of respondents consider packaging recyclability important in their purchasing decisions. 85% of LOHAS heavy consumers prefer packages that clearly show the producer and origin of the product. Packaging professionals have a significant role to play both in bringing more sustainable alternatives the market and in informing and educating consumers,” comments Leena Yliniemi, Metsä Board's Product Management Director.
Metsä Board, part of the Metsä Group, participated in the LOHAS2020 survey conducted in Finland in February. The study was conducted among one thousand Finnish consumers, whose relationship to packaging was examined through their lifestyle related to personal well-being and sustainability. LOHAS is an acronym for “Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability”. 17% of Finns belong to the LOHAS heavy group and 28% to the LOHAS medium group. These groups emphasise LOHAS values in their daily consumption behaviour.