Lightweight, strong and efficient food packaging

Our fresh fibre paperboards are fully traceable and free from unknown chemical substances. They are safe for direct and indirect food contact applications, and food will taste exactly like it's meant to.

Ensured product safety

In our paperboards we only use pulp made of fresh fibres produced at Metsä Group mills. Our pulp contains only safe chemicals and additives that comply with all applicable regulations. By going beyond what is required by regulatory bodies and focusing on the safety of our materials, we aim to exceed consumer expectations.

Recyclable and compostable food packaging

Food packaging should not only keep products fresh and safe to eat, but it should also be easily recyclable. However, recycling is not always possible as the paperboard may be contaminated due to its contents and therefore cannot be recycled. In such a situation compostability is the next best alternative. All Metsä Board’s paperboards, excluding PE coated grades, hold industrial compostability certificates complying with DIN EN 13432 and ASTM D6400 standards.

Light weight together with fossil free energy enable carbon footprint reduction of a food packaging. The energy used Metsä Board's mills producing lightweight paperboards is already 90% fossil free. 

Efficient converting

Our premium paperboards provide excellent reproduction and converting performance in both high-volume packaging applications for global brands and small-batch packaging applications for speciality products.

Our paperboards are ideal for food packaging applications like:

  • Dry foods such as pasta, rice, cereals
  • Frozen and chilled foods like pizza, ready meals, fish and seafood
  • Chocolate and confectionery
  • Biscuits and bakery products
  • Dairy products such as yoghurt multipacks, ice cream and cheese
  • Fresh foods such as fruits and vegetables
  • Pet foods and treats