Investments drive energy efficiency forward in leaps. Key investments in recent years to improve energy efficiency include development programme of the Kemi board mill and the renewal of the turbine and generator at the Kyro board mill. Above all, results are achieved by continuously developing operations in the daily routines of mills. Our operations comply with the requirements of certified quality, environmental management and energy management systems (ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 50001).
To achieve the target of zero fossil-based CO2 emissions (Scopes 1 and 2), Metsä Board has a plan for investments and measures to replace fossil fuels and purchase electricity from fossil-free sources. In addition, Metsä Board invests in the efficient use of energy, water and materials. In recent years, key investments in achieving fossil-free production have been the renewal of the recovery boiler and turbine at the Husum pulp mill and the renewal of the turbine at the Kyro board mill. Future investments include the electrification of boilers and processes that still use fossil fuels.
In the value chain (Scope 3), emissions will be reduced by replacing fossil fuels in transport with fossil-free alternatives. In addition, emissions from logistics will be continuously reduced through efficient route planning, minimising transport distances and optimising fill rates. To achieve this goal, we have agreed on joint emissions reduction targets with logistics suppliers such as VR, Royal Wagenborg and Navalis Shipping.
The transition to fully fossil-free raw materials is supported by the Metsä Group-wide strategic R&D and procurement development programme. This includes 1) long-term laboratory and pilot-scale studies and mill test runs, 2) mill-scale packaging material experiments, and monitoring the needs of customers and global markets, and 3) developing procurement systems to reliably and accurately monitor the share of fossil-based raw materials.
2030 indicators:
+10% Improvement in energy efficiency from the 2018 level
0 tonnes Fossil-based carbon dioxide emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2 market-basedt)
-30%/tkm Greenhouse gas emissions from logistics purchased by Metsä Board from the 2022 level (Scope 3, category 4)
100% Fossil-free raw materials and packaging materials excluding wood and purchased pulp, share of dry tons*
*Renewable wood fibre is our main raw material. From 2025 onwards, wood fibre will be excluded from the fossil-free materials target to facilitate the monitoring of progress in the fossil-free status of raw materials other than wood. In addition, recycled fossil-based material such as recycled plastic for the packaging of our products will be considered fossil-free in the calculation. This is due to the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation’s requirement for recycled content in packaging materials.