Sustainability 2030 targets

With our sustainability targets we are committed to mitigating climate change, further improving the resource-efficiency of operations, enhancing biodiversity and promoting ethical and safe workplace communities and value chains.

Metsä Board’s sustainability targets take into account the most significant impacts in our own operations and value chain. The targets cover the environment, social responsibility, good governance and ethical business practices. The targets are approved by Metsä Board’s Board of Directors. The targets support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

At Metsä Board, we track the progress towards our 2030 targets mainly at the company level. As forest management services, wood procurement, and other raw material and service procurement are handled by Metsä Group, the targets related to forest management, biodiversity, and joint targets with partner suppliers have been set at the Metsä Group level. These are indicated with "Metsä Group level target" title in the table below. 

Read more about our progress in 2024 in the Annual Review.

Some of the targets were updated in early 2025, and reporting in accordance with these updates will begin in 2025. 

Target and metrics 2030 target UN SDG
1. Mitigating climate change and adapting to it in own operation and value chains
Improvement in energy efficiency from the 2018 level, % +10 7, 12, 13
Fossil-based carbon dioxide emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2 market-based), t 0 12, 13
Greenhouse gas emissions from logistics purchased by Metsä Board from the 2022 level (Scope 3, category 4) -30 13
Fossil-free raw materials and packaging materials excluding wood and purchased pulp, share of dry tons, %* 100 9, 12
Metsä Group level targets:
Amount of forest regeneration and young stand management from the 2018 level, % +30 13, 15
Amount of forest fertilization from the 2018 level, % +50 13, 15
Share of continuous cover forestry in peatland forest regeneration, % 30 13, 15
2. Continuous improvement in resource-efficiency in production
Reduction in process water use per produced tonne from the 2018 level, % -35 6, 12
Process waste delivered to landfills, t 0 12
3. Enhancing the state of forest nature
Metsä Group level targets:
Retention trees on regeneration felling sites, % 100 13, 15
High biodiversity stumps on harvesting sites, % 100 13, 15
Spruce as the only tree species after young stand management, % 0 13, 15
Measures promoting biodiversity, number 10,000 13, 15
4. Accident-free work environment
Total recordable incident frequency, own employees (TRIF) 0 8
Total recordable incident frequency, contractor employees (TRIF) 0 8
5. Continuous improvement in engagement and well-being of employees
Employee engagement, index (scale 0-100) AAA 5, 8
The implementation of the measures defined based on the employee survey, % 100 5, 8
6. Promoting diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI)
Women in leadership roles, % 35 5, 8
Employee experience on diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) implementation, Metsä for all -index (scale 0-100) 100 5, 8
Anonymous recruitment for vacancies open to all, % 100 5, 8
7. Promoting ethical corporate culture
Employee experience on ethical corporate culture implementation, ethics index (scale 0-100) 100 5, 8
8. Promoting sustainable and ethical practices in our supply chain
Share of certified wood fibre, % 100 15
Traceability of raw materials, share of total purchases, % 100 9, 12
Suppliers' commitment to the Supplier Code of Conduct, share of total purchases, % 100 8, 12
Supplier assesments and audits of core suppliers, % 100 8, 12
Metsä Group level targets:
Joint sustainability target with partner suppliers, % 100 12, 13
* Recycled content in packaging materials also accounts as fossil-free due to the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation’s requirement for recycled content in packaging materials.


The boxes below list Metsä Board's measures to achieve the sustainability goals. Click on the + button to open the measures.

The annual measures are reported as part of the Annual Review. With regard to climate change mitigation and adaptation, we have also published a Climate transition plan, which summarises our key targets and measures.

  • Climate change – Own operations and the value chain

    Climate change – Own operations and the value chain

  • Climate change – Forests

    Climate change – Forests

  • Resource efficiency

    Resource efficiency

  • The state of forest nature

    The state of forest nature

  • Accident-free work environment

    Accident-free work environment

  • Employee engagement and wellbeing

    Employee engagement and wellbeing

  • Diversity, equality and inclusion

    Diversity, equality and inclusion

  • Ethical corporate culture

    Ethical corporate culture

  • Sustainable and ethical operations in the supply chain

    Sustainable and ethical operations in the supply chain