Air quality

We use the best available technology to minimise our emissions to air and ensure that all our mills operate within the limits of the environmental permits issued by the authorities.

The majority of our emissions into air are caused by the energy production needed for the manufacturing of pulp, BCTMP (bleached chemi-thermomechanical pulp) and paperboard. Besides the climate impact of carbon dioxide, our key air emissions consist of sulphur and nitrogen oxides, which cause acidification. We also monitor the particulate concentration of the flue gases at our mills and malodorous sulphur compounds in the production of chemical pulp. You can examine the annual figures more closely at Sustainability data.

Our production processes rely on the best available technology and we continuously work to ensure that all our mills operate within the limits of the environmental permits issued by the authorities. If deviations occur, we always report them to the authorities and publish them as part of our annual reporting. In addition, we always take corrective action to resolve the situation.

The assessment of production units’ environmental risks is guided by the ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 management systems.