Responsible corporate culture

Doing the right thing guides our work. We are committed to respecting human rights and expect our personnel to comply with applicable legislation, act honestly and make ethically sound decisions.

Metsä Board, as part of Metsä Group, respects internationally recognised human rights, as declared in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ILO Labour Standards. We are committed to acting in compliance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and expect our business partners to do the same. We are also committed to the UN’s Global Compact initiative and follow its ten principles regarding human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption.

Our work and decision making are guided by Metsä Group’s Code of Conduct. The Code of Conduct is supplemented by company-wide policies and related training that we require every employee to pass and comply with. Among other things, these policies concern human resources, equal opportunities, information security and personal data protection. In addition, we have job-specific policies such as a purchasing policy for those working in this area.

The development of the culture of doing the right thing is measured with the ethics index.

The ethics index is calculated based on the ethics statements in the annual employee survey, which measures the employees’ experience with ethics in the company’s operations. The result of the ethics index is one of our sustainability targets.

We expect the same high level of ethics from our suppliers, customers and other partners. Requirements for suppliers are recorded in the Supplier Code of Conduct and are part of our procurement contracts. We apply the ‘Know Your Business Partner’ process to both suppliers and customers. It allows us to improve our understanding of who we are working with and thereby reduce our risk of unintentionally associating Metsä Board with illegal activities.

We promote diversity, equality and inclusion

We want to ensure that personal characteristics – such as gender, age, ethnic background, sexual orientation or disability – have no impact on an individual’s opportunity to succeed in working life. Diversity, equality and inclusion are promoted through the Metsä For All vision and measured according to set targets. Equality training, the adoption of anonymised recruiting methods and increasing the share of women in executive positions are examples of the practical measures we have taken in this regard.  

We are committed to process personal data in accordance with the EU GDPR, which forbids the processing of special categories of data such as personal data revealing racial or ethnic origin. We do not collect such data on our employees anywhere where we operate, even if the local legislation would permit, and are committed to treat people equally regardless of the characteristics they represent.

Compliance and Ethics Channel

We encourage our personnel and stakeholders to raise their concerns if they detect problems in our operations. Our Compliance and Ethics Channel is available in ten languages and its technological implementation is overseen to by an independent third party. Reports can be made anonymously. We are committed to protecting the privacy of whistleblowers and do not condone any counter measures against whistleblowers.

All breaches and violations, as well as suspected breaches and violations, brought to the attention of the company are investigated. Any illegal activities detected are reported to the authorities.
