Safety at work

We develop occupational safety through proactive measures, operating in a unified manner and following a standardised management system. Our 2030 target is zero accidents.

At Metsä Board, every employee is responsible for complying with safety instructions, identifying and reporting possible deficiencies, and helping to prevent incidents. All our employees and subcontractors must go through safety training before working on our mill premises.

Indicators for monitoring occupational safety

Health and safety management in all our mills comply with the ISO 45001 occupational health and safety standard. We develop occupational safety with a programme that covers the entire Metsä Group and focuses on common safety management principles, daily management processes, safety-at-work standards and more detailed safety instructions. The safety principles are applicable to all our employees and partners.

Metsä Group’s common safety performance indicators are an important tool for developing occupational safety. Key indicators include TRIF, which measures the total recordable injury frequency, and LTA1, which measures the frequency of accidents leading to absences.

We also monitor whether internal targets of proactive safety measures are achieved on a continuous basis. These measures include safety observations, safety walk-throughs and safety training.