Cellulose Fibre Pellets

Metsä Fibre's cellulose fibre pellets are cellulose-based, plastic-replacing biodegradable pellets for biocomposite production. Cellulose fibre pellets support and change the properties of the biocomposite product according to the application.

Cellulose fibre pellets act as a reinforcing fibre that improve the tensile strength and stiffness of the plastic material. This strength allows biocomposites to be used in applications that need to withstand loads.  The low density of the fibre makes the biocomposite lighter than the plastic product. The light weight facilitates handling and transport. 

Cellulose fibre pellets can be combined with both fossil and bio-based plastics. If the plastic is biodegradable, the whole biocomposite can be classified as biodegradable. 

Potential uses of cellulose fibre pellets include:

  • Consumer products
  • Construction industry
  • Automotive industry

The product is in the development and testing phase.