The Kemi bioproduct mill is the most efficient wood processing mill in the northern hemisphere. This is the largest investment in the history of the Finnish forest industry, worth EUR 2.02 billion. The environmentally, energy and material-efficient mill operates completely without fossil fuels.
The Kemi bioproduct mill produces pulp as well as many other bioproducts, and produces clearly more bio-based electrical energy compared to a traditional pulp mill.
The bioproduct mill is among the world's top in terms of energy, material and environmental efficiency. The mill has an advanced closed chemical cycle, in which water and chemicals are recycled and returned to the process for reuse. The odorous gases are processed into sulphuric acid, which the mill needs, for example, in the manufacture of tall oil. Thanks to the sulphuric acid plant, sulphate emissions to waterways can be minimized.
The mill produces 2.0 TWh of renewable electricity annually. The electricity self-sufficiency rate is 250% and the surplus electricity is delivered to the national grid.
The mill employs approximately 2,500 people throughout its direct value chain in Finland. The Kemi bioproduct mill increases the value of Finnish exports by half a billion euros annually, and the positive income effect for Finland is also half a billion euros annually.
We cooperate closely with local stakeholders, and annually support initiatives promoting the wellbeing of children and young people. Cooperation with educational institutions in the area is diverse and active. We offer, among other things, summer jobs, internships and apprenticeships, as well as participate in recruitment events at local higher education institutions.
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