The purpose of the annual customer survey is to discover how customers feel about our operations and services. The satisfaction of biochemical customers has continued to be very high year after year.
“Judging by the responses, customers appreciate how we communicate and our professional personnel. They really feel we are partners,” says Katja Salmenkivi, Sales Director for Metsä Fibre’s biochemicals.
The biochemical customers in question are European companies producing intermediate products in the chemical industry. The survey yielded almost no negative feedback. It shows we have invested in the right things.
“Biochemicals are quite complex products, and their supply chains include many different parties. That is why it is important to keep in regular touch with our customers and engage in dialogue. We want our operations to be as transparent as possible.”
Interest in sustainability
According to the survey, customers want to develop their partnership with us in the field of sustainability questions. We also think this is important, and we are planning to develop such cooperation even more. Our customers’ survey responses also revealed an interest in product innovation.
Customer surveys are conducted because we are genuinely interested in our customers’ needs. Based on the feedback we receive, we invest in developing operations and will continue our open dialogue with our customers.
“I would like to thank everyone for their feedback and assistance.”