Renewed Metsä Timber Online is now live

Metsä Fibre’s newest customer portal, Metsä Timber Online was launched in March 2023.
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  • 2023, Sawn timber, Products and services

Metsä Timber Online is a complete timber ordering solution for our sawn timber customers. “With Metsä Timber Online, our customers will be able to enjoy a faster, simpler platform where customers can buy products via Marketplace and access all their timber orders, documents, and information in one place,” says Petra Stosic, Sales Manager at Metsä Fibre. “With this centralised approach you have any and all relevant information available 24/7 on any device you choose.”

Customer care based on customer feedback

Customer experience is at the core of Metsä Timber Online. The overall performance has been enhanced and the Marketplace purchasing process has been streamlined. General quality of life improvements mean a more functional user interface, increased speed, and ease of use. In addition, a feedback feature is incorporated so it’s easy to comment on past deliveries.

One reason that the service will so effectively meet the needs of Metsä Fibre’s customers is that it has been developed with their support. “We’ve created Timber Online based on feedback from our customers,” says Stosic. “The service architecture has been redesigned and the interface improved. In general, we have developed Timber Online to help customers plan their businesses accurately and efficiently.”

A simple ordering process and delivery tracking

The Timber Online Marketplace has seen some tweaks to ensure that customers can easily find the products they need and optimise their loads, which can be followed using Track & Trace. Such services are especially useful for customers with long supply chains, where monitoring and tracking deliveries is essential to avoid unexpected delays.

“Providing consistently up-to-date and relevant information to our customers is one way that we help make their operations more efficient,” explains Stosic. “We know our customers want easy and fast but also highly efficient solutions. They also want their solution to be available at any time and on any device be it laptop, tablet, or phone. The new Metsä Timber Online meets their demands.”