Targeting a sustainable supply chain

Metsä Fibre’s goal is that all its suppliers will operate according to the environmental, social and economic responsibility requirements jointly set at Metsä Group by 2030.
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  • Sustainability, 2023

The sustainability of suppliers is ensured by committing them to the Supplier Code of Conduct, and by assessing and auditing them. The Supplier Code of Conduct was updated during 2020, and it were introduced in all new purchase agreements from the beginning of 2021.

Of Metsä Fibre’s purchases in 2022, 98 per cent were made from suppliers who are committed to the Supplier Code of Conduct. We also conduct regular supplier evaluations and audits to ensure that their sustainability practices meet our requirements. Sustainability has also been assessed through supplier self-assessment surveys. 

Regular assessments and audits

Sustainability criteria are also part of our regular supplier audits. The supplier assessment and audit process was renewed in 2021–2022.

Also our logistics partners are required to commit to the implementation of safety, risk management, environmental impact mitigation, best management practices and human rights in their operations.

In terms of raw materials, the most important material transported is wood. Other important product groups transported are finished products and chemicals used in pulp production.

The harmful environmental impact of transports is reduced by efficient route planning, minimising transport distances, and by optimising occupancy rates and prioritising train connections on selected routes, for example.

Centrally managed sustainable purchasing

Metsä Group works in close cooperation with wood suppliers and harvesting contractors, promoting sustainable forestry through stakeholder collaboration and training. In addition to wood,  we purchase fibres, chemicals and other materials, machines, supplies and services centrally. Purchases are made locally whenever possible.

We always know the origin of our wood raw material. In 2022, the traceability of raw materials and packaging materials used by Metsä Fibre was 96% . For all raw and packaging materials, the goal is to have a 100% traceable and responsible supply chain by 2030.

Read more about the traceability of our raw materials.

​International Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to the target:

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