Career opportunities and anonymous recruitment

Our operations are guided by Metsä Group’s shared values: reliability, cooperation, renewal and responsible profitability. It is important to us that all Metsä Group employees continuously maintain and develop their professional competence and workplace skills.
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  • 2024, Sustainability

We promote professional development in a variety of ways. Most of this professional development involves learning on the job, which we also support through job rotation. Additionally, we offer a broad range of training in support of professional development. The performance and development appraisals conducted on a regular basis also lend support to continuous improvement.

We want to provide our managers with opportunities to develop their leadership and management skills because good supervisory work lays the foundation for wellbeing and safety at work and profitable operations. We launch new training programmes according to need. Examples include a business skills development programme for middle management and coaching for employees in expert positions.

Continuous development means that our employees have the opportunity to enhance their skills and discover new strengths within themselves. We believe that by offering challenging and varied duties, we enable our employees to grow as experts for a new era in a sector that undergoes constant renewal.

Metsä For All

Metsä Group is committed to the development of a culture of diversity, equality and inclusion in which everyone has the opportunity to succeed in their work life and be an equal member of the workplace community. Equality and non-discrimination are important principles to us and an integral part of our ethical operating culture.

Anonymous recruitment

Anonymous recruitment is a tangible measure in a larger development programme that aims to promote diversity and equality. At Metsä Group, more than 80 per cent of recruitment now takes place anonymously. We are one of the few companies in Finland using anonymous recruitment as its main recruitment method.

Through anonymous recruitment, we want to strengthen the unbiased handling of applications based on competence, the equal treatment of applicants and the diversity of personnel. In anonymous recruitment, certain information pertaining to the person are hidden in the job applications, including the applicant’s name, date of birth, contact information, gender, native language and any attached files. The application form includes questions that help the applicant to express their competences and strengths anonymously.

Recruiters will only see all the information and attached files on the application before the first interview, after the applicants to be invited to an interview have been chosen. Applicants who are not invited to an interview will remain anonymous until the end of the process.

Ethical and equal operations

As an employer, we are guided by several policies, which we expect all of our employees to study and follow. Our policies deal with topics such as ethical operations, equality, wellbeing and safety at work, and environmental questions.

Metsä Board promotes equality with the help of concrete targets and measures, focusing particularly on improving gender equality. Examples include our efforts to raise the share of women in executive positions and ensure gender pay equality. Metsä’s equality training programme covering the entire personnel is also part of our equality efforts. Personal characteristics such as age, ethnic background, sexual orientation or disability do not affect a person’s chance to progress in their career and to function as an equal member of the workplace community at Metsä Group. 

In 2020, Metsä Group conducted a large-scale ethics barometer survey for the first time with the aim of investigating how the personnel felt the company’s Code of Conduct was being implemented in practice. Based on the barometer results, we define development projects. The implementation of the projects is monitored. The ethics barometer survey is conducted in alternate years with the personnel survey. The barometer survey will next take place in 2024.

Metsä Fibre’s measures towards 2030

  • By carrying out development actions proposed by employees, we promote a culture of doing the right thing. We measure this with the ethics barometer.
  • We address any shortcomings observed throughout our value chain
  • We promote the diversity and gender equality of our organisation through measures such as anonymous recruitment and supporting the career opportunities of female managers

Indicators by the end of 2030

100% implementation of ethics barometer measures

100% anonymous recruitment for open recruitment

>30% women in management positions


International Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to the target: