Responsible partnership and participation in community well-being

Collaboration with key stakeholders and local actors is important to us – we want to be a good neighbour, a good citizen and a good employer. We especially focus on promoting the well-being of children and young people by supporting local schools and leisure activities. Our cooperation with educational institutions is active and diverse – we provide young people practical opportunities to learn and develop into future professionals. While our eyes are on the future, we also honour the rich history and traditions of the Kemi region, including its veterans.

"Kemi has been an important part of the history of the forest industry, and we want to be involved in building its future as well. Collaborating with local schools and extracurricular activities is a natural way for us to support the vitality of the region and offer young people opportunities to grow," says Pekka Kittilä, Mill manager of the Kemi bioproduct mill.

A good neighbour – prioritising the environment and community

The Kemi bioproduct mill is not only a significant employer, but also a responsible neighbour who takes care of the environment. One example of this is our ongoing pilot project focusing on regenerative land use and support for biodiversity in the built environment.

The goal of this project is to develop land use of the mill area so that it enhances the vitality of the surrounding nature and creates new habitats for plants and animals. By working together with environmental experts and local stakeholders, we ensure that the Kemi mill area becomes part of the regenerative use of natural resources. This project is an important part of our commitment to biodiversity conservation.

We actively promote safety by organising an annual road safety event together with local primary schools in Kemi. This year, all first-graders from the Kemi region gathered at Karihaara School to participate in various activities aimed at practicing safe traffic behaviour. Each student received a high-visibility vest featuring the Metsä logo, which improves their visibility on the road as they begin their school journey.

"Sharing vests is an important way for us to take care of children's safety and at the same time show that we are a responsible actor also in the school community. With attention vests, we ensure that even the smallest schoolchildren are better noticed in traffic, ”says Laura Orpana, Communications Manager at the Kemi mills.

A good citizen – Open dialogue and cooperation

We want to be an active part of the community and maintain a close interaction with the city and its residents. Every year, we organise open house events where locals can visit the mill and learn more about our operations. Additionally, we regularly host stakeholder events, where we present our mill operations as well as regional wood procurement activities. These events bring together local decision-makers, partners and media representatives, offering a platform for discussions about regional development and future prospects.

A responsible employer – Diversity and education

The Kemi bioproduct mill offers numerous summer jobs, internships and apprenticeship opportunities. At Metsä Group, 99% of recruitments are conducted anonymously, and this also applies to Kemi – anonymous recruitment is our primary method. This is part of our broader program to promote diversity and equality. We also offer a paid, one-and-a-half-year apprenticeship program, which opens the way for training for versatile and responsible production and maintenance tasks in the forest industry.

Roots deep in history – Eyes on the future

The roots of our modern bioproduct mill stretch far back into history. The Karihaara sawmill began operations in 1874, and since then, the Kemi mill area has been a significant employer in the area. While the area has changed, one thing has remained the same: Pajusaari will continue to provide employment in the future. Continuous development and innovation at the mill area ensure that Kemi remains at the forefront of both local and global forest industry development.

"The strong stakeholder cooperation at the Kemi bioproduct mill is rooted in tradition but looks boldly to the future. Whether it's supporting the well-being of children and young people, collaborating with educational institutions, or creating sustainable solutions, the Kemi bioproduct mill builds the future together with its environment. There is strength in collaboration – and this is what makes the Kemi bioproduct mill an important part of the local vitality”, Kittilä concludes.