Price announcement Botnia will increase the price of NBSK (Northern Bleached Softwood Kraft) in Europe, effective March 1, 2011 until further notice. Other releases | 14.02.2011 15:26 EET | Metsä Fibre The new price is USD 980, CIF Botnia's usual European ports. The other terms remain as agreed. Subscribe our news to your e-mail Fill out the form Latest news Metsä Fibre starts change negotiations at Lappeenranta, Renko and Vilppula sawmills Releases – 11.02.2025 Kalle Parviainen appointed Metsä Fibre's SVP Sawn timber business Releases – 09.10.2024 Production shutdown at Metsä Group's Joutseno pulp mill Releases – 23.09.2024