In 2009, Metsä Group specified a goal of improving its energy efficiency by 10% by 2020. Last year, Metsä Fibre, part of Metsä Group, took a big step towards that goal: the company successfully improved the efficiency of renewable energy production to a value of several million euros by just questioning its operating methods without major investments. Bioenergy is a joint matter of the entire Metsä Fibre now.
Metsä Fibre is a strong pulp company and a significant producer of bioenergy. More than 10% of all of Finland's renewable energy is manufactured at Metsä Fibre's mills. In addition to pulp, Metsä Fibre produces electricity, heat, bark and sawdust as well as bio-chemicals, i.e. crude tall oil and crude turpentine. The value of bioenergy and bio-chemicals corresponds to over 10% of the company's net sales – but potential still exists.
Last year, Metsä Fibre worked hard to tap its bioenergy potential. Good results have been achieved through very simple steps: Old operating models have been questioned, cooperation within Metsä Group has been increased, and the financial significance of bioenergy has been highlighted from mills' recovery departments as the entire company's daily theme – to daily production meetings and result monitoring.
"The main thing is to continuously question the status quo and consider what we could do better. Deeper understanding of energy matters and seeking new solutions has inspired Metsä Fibre staff members to look for bioenergy results", says Metsä Fibre Development Manager Jorma Heikkilä.
Significant improvements
Energy efficiency improved substantially last year through questioning the operating methods, and also through reassessing the technical opportunities and more effectively utilising mill processes. The entire production process is energy efficient from start to finish and the volume of electricity produced is higher. As a result, bark is drier in energy production, and heat is utilised better, for example.
Metsä Fibre mills are partly tackling the same challenges and thus also support each other. In Kemi and Rauma, for example, the mills' water consumption was reduced successfully through steps that were largely consistent. When less water is needed, energy is saved in pumping and evaporation.
Particularly excellent results were achieved at the Kemi mill, which is a prime example of well-functioning development work at its best. The share of the Kemi mill in meeting the 2013 bioenergy goals is more than 50%.
"In Kemi, we have found strong enthusiasm and high motivation to challenge things and develop – of course, there is also competence there too. By taking determined development steps, we will further increase the efficiency of bioenergy production, which is now on a path of growth of millions of euros", says Metsä Fibre's VP of technology, Kari Ala-Kaila, who led the bioenergy theme year.