Metsä Group’s operating result for 2014 excluding non-recurring items was eur 418 million

Metsä Group Stock Exchange Release 5 February 2015 at 12.00 noon
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  • Metsä Fibre

Metsä Group Stock Exchange Release 5 February 2015 at 12.00 noon

Full year result for 2014
• Sales amounted to EUR 4,970 million (2013: EUR 4,939 million).
• Operating result excluding non-recurring items was EUR 418 million (343). Operating result including non-recurring items was EUR 417 million (335).
• Result before taxes excluding non-recurring items was EUR 339 million (232). Result before taxes including non-recurring items was EUR 330 million (224).
• Return on capital employed excluding non-recurring items was 11.4 per cent (9.1).

• Cash flow from operations amounted to EUR 764 million (491).
• Metsäliitto Cooperative’s Board of Directors has decided to propose to the Supervisory Board that interest of 5.5 per cent (5.5 + 1.0 per cent for 2013) be paid on the members’ capital for 2014. Interest of 5.0 per cent (5.0) is proposed for additional members’ capital A, and interest of 4.5 per cent (4.5) for additional members’ capital B.

Result for October–December 2014
• Sales amounted to EUR 1,248 million (10–12/2013: EUR 1,219 million).
• Operating result excluding non-recurring items was EUR 117 million (87). Operating result including non-recurring items was EUR 84 million (88).
• Result before taxes excluding non-recurring items was EUR 101 million (61). Result before taxes including non-recurring items was EUR 68 million (60).
• Return on capital employed excluding non-recurring items was 12.0 per cent (9.3).
• Cash flow from operations amounted to EUR 390 million (195).

Events in the fourth quarter of 2014
• Profitability improved in all of Metsä Group's business areas year-on-year.
• Metsä Board launched measures to complete its restructuring and decided to invest approximately EUR 170 million in a new folding boxboard machine at the Husum mill in Sweden. In addition, the company is planning to discontinue paper production and has launched the divestment process of the loss-making Gohrsmühle mill in Germany
• Metsäliitto Cooperative announced that it will sell the entire share capital of Metsä Wood's UK-based pole business subsidiary Burt Boulton and Haywood Ltd. The transaction was completed in February 2015. The sale will not have any material effect on the Group's result.
• Mika Joukio, M.Sc. (Tech.), MBA, started as CEO of Metsä Board Corporation on 1 October 2014.

Events after the period
• Metsä Tissue Corporation's Board of Directors appointed Petri Helsky, M.Sc. (Chem. Eng.), M.Sc. (Econ), 48, as CEO of the company. He will start in his new position and as a member of Metsä Group’s Executive Management Team on 1 July 2015 at the latest.

“In the light of our key indicators, and considering the business environment, 2014 was a good year. Our operating result excluding non-recurring items clearly improved, the return on capital employed increased, net debt continued to decrease and our cash flow was strong.

We will continue the determined implementation of our focused strategy. We are the market leader in wood supply and forest services, and this year we will be the first company in Finland to digitise all sales and purchase processes in wood trade and forest management. Metsä Wood's decision to focus on large industrial customers has already strengthened our position in the wood product market. We are also among the leading players in tissue and cooking papers in our key markets. Metsä Board's decision to discontinue paper production and build a new folding boxboard machine at Husum will finalise the company's restructuring into a paperboard company.

If the prerequisites for the investment are met, the investment decision regarding building Metsä Fibre's planned bioproduct mill in Äänekoski will be made this spring. The preparations for the decision have progressed smoothly.

The basis for year 2015 is good: our finances are solid and stable, our products are of the highest quality and our planned investments will further strengthen our position. We are heading for the future with confidence."

Kari Jordan, President & CEO, Metsä Group


Key figures


Income statement, EUR million 2014 2013 2014 2013
The figures for 2013 are restated 1-12 1-12 10-12 10-12
Sales 4 970.3 4 938.7 1 247.5 1 219.3
Other operating income 170.3 81.0 29.2 25.1
Operating expenses -4 447.5 -4 427.7 -1 105.2 -1 094.8
Depreciation and impairment losses -276.2 -257.1 -87.4 -61.3
Operating result 416.9 335.0 84.1 88.3
Share of results from associated companies and
joint ventures




Exchange gains and losses 2.7 -4.6 3.9 -2.6
Other net financial items -106.1 -116.2 -22.4 -24.3
Result before income tax 329.9 223.8 67.6 61.5
Income tax -69.7 -35.1 -11.1 10.2
Result for the period 260.3 188.7 56.5 71.7




Profitability 2014 2013 2014 2013
The figures for 2013 are restated 1-12 1-12 10-12 10-12
Operating result, EUR million 416.9 335.0 84.1 88.3
- ” -, excluding non-recurring items 418.1 342.9 117.3 87.3
- ” -, % of sales 8.4 6.9 9.4 7.2
Return on capital employed, % 11.1 8.9 8.7 9.4
- ” -, excluding non-recurring items 11.4 9.1 12.0 9.3
Return on equity, % 13.0 9.9 11.1 14.9
- ” -, excluding non-recurring items 13.4 10.3 17.6 14.7




Financial position 2014 2013 2014 2013
The figures for 2013 are restated 31.12. 31.12. 30.9. 30.9.
Equity ratio, % 37.9 37.9 38.5 35.9
Net gearing ratio, % 46 77 62 85
Interest-bearing net liabilities, EUR million 938 1 510 1 258 1 604



Sales and Operating result
1–12/2014, EUR million
Wood Supply and Forest Services Wood Products Industry
Paperboard and Paper Industry Tissue and Cooking Papers
Sales 1 575.0 896.9 1 295.7 2 008.4 1 012.8
Other operating income 6.7 10.1 33.4 69.6 9.3
Operating expenses -1 552.0 -842.5 -1 039.2 -1 835.8 -921.6
Depreciation and impairment
-3.0 -30.4 -62.0 -125.6 -38.7
Operating result 26.7 34.1 227.9 116.5 61.8
Non-recurring items 1.5 3.1 -20.3 19.9 0.4
Operating result
excluding non-recurring items
28.2 37.2 207.5 136.5 62.2
- " -, % of sales 1.8 4.1 16.0 6.8 6.1



Near-term outlook
Metsä Forest buys wood from across the country, primarily from stands harvested when the ground is unfrozen. Winter thinning stands are purchased in limited volumes, as some of the logging sites planned to be harvested last year were moved to this winter's harvest due to the poor weather conditions. The aim in forest management services is to continue strong growth and be the owner-members' first choice partner.

In spite of seasonal fluctuations in demand, wood products industry's sales for the first quarter of 2015 are expected to develop steadily compared to the fourth quarter of 2014. The outlook for construction is challenging in Europe, and especially in Finland. Competition in the sawn timber market, which is suffering from oversupply, is expected to continue to be tight, and production curtailments may need to be continued. The exchange rates of the currencies of the key competitor countries have weakened more than the euro against the main trade currencies, which weakens the competitiveness of the Finnish wood products industry.

Demand for pulp has remained stable, and no signs of rapid changes in the market are in sight. The strengthening of the US dollar against the euro has improved the profitability of pulp producers in the euro area.

Delivery volumes of paperboard are estimated to increase slightly during the first quarter of 2015 compared to the previous quarter. No material changes in the price of paperboard are in sight at the moment.

Metsä Board's paper deliveries are estimated to increase slightly during the first quarter, while the average price is expected to decrease.

Price competition in the retail trade of tissue and cooking papers will continue to be tight in all markets. Demand is expected to continue to be at the level of 2014. Changes in energy and raw material prices and the quality of recycled paper and its local availability are significant drivers of the development of Metsä Tissue's operating result.

Metsä Group’s operating result excluding non-recurring items in the first quarter of 2015 is expected to be approximately on the same level compared to the fourth quarter of 2014.

Disclosure procedure
Metsä Group has adopted a disclosure procedure made possible by the Financial Supervision Authority Standard 5.2b. This bulletin is a summary of Metsä Group's Financial Statement Bulletin for 2014. The Financial Statement Bulletin and its tables are attached to this Stock Exchange Release as a PDF attachment and are available on the Group’s website at

Metsä Group will publish its financial reports in 2015 as follows:
7 May Interim Report January–March 2015
6 Aug. Interim Report January–June 2015
5 Nov. Interim Report January–September 2015

Group Communications

For further information, please contact:
Vesa-Pekka Takala, CFO, Metsä Group, tel. +358 (0)10 465 4260
Reeta Kaukiainen, SVP, Communications, Metsä Group, tel. +358 (0)10 465 4541, +358 (0)50 522 0924

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