Our sustainability targets 2030: Social responsibility

We do the right thing. Metsä Fibre promotes a culture of doing the right thing and boost job satisfaction – respecting each other, valuing diversity and promoting safety throughout the value chain. We provide versatile career opportunities and promote equal treatment through anonymous recruiting. We advance safety and well-being, and aim at zero accidents.

Target: Promoting the culture of doing the right thing

Doing the right thing guides our work. We are committed to respecting human rights and expect our personnel to comply with applicable legislation, act honestly and make ethically sound decisions.

Metsä Group level activities towards 2030

We promote a culture of doing the right thing, represented by our Code of Conduct. We measure the experience of our employees through an annual survey which assesses our current situation and progress towards responsible corporate culture. We address grievances throughout the value chain. There is a Compliance and Ethics channel to use for raising concerns, also available for anonymous reporting.
We promote organisational diversity and gender equality, for example by anonymous recruitment and supporting career opportunities for women as leaders. We use anonymous recruitment in more than 80 per cent of recruitment. The goal of anonymous recruitment is to reduce the impact of unconscious biases and offer all job applicants equal opportunities during the recruitment process.

Key Performance Indicators by 2030

100% anonymous recruitment in job vacancies
>30% of women in management positions

Two women having a conversation in a office


Target: Promoting safety and well-being at work 

We develop occupational safety through proactive measures, operating in a unified manner and following a standardised management system. Our long-term goal is zero accidents.

Metsä Group level activities towards 2030

We promote safety at work by investigating all incidents and focusing on preventive safety work. We boost job satisfaction and measure it regularly through personnel survey.

Key Performance Indicators by 2030

Total recordable incident frequency, own employees (TRIF) 0
Employee job satisfaction index on very good level AAA

Supporting UN sustainable development goals

SDG 5: Gender equality and SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth