Sustainability reporting

We communicate about our sustainability work transparently and openly. Metsä Fibre’s reports and documents serve fact-based sustainability information for various interest groups. Our factsheets present sustainability-related topics such as Nordic forestry, forest certification and carbon calculations. In addition to sustainability, our brochures cover industry-related topics such as pulp and sawn timber products and services and present our newest mills.

Reporting requirements

As of 2024, Metsä Fibre, as part of Metsä Group, is bound by the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and its reporting requirements. The content of our sustainability reporting reflects Metsä Group's sustainable and profitable growth through our strategic sustainability 2030 objectives.

Metsä Fibre’s annual information is compiled in the Metsä Group's Annual Review, which incorporates sustainability reporting. It presents our key figures, sustainability objectives and achievements.