As part of Metsä Group, Metsä Fibre is committed to responsible practices and ensuring sustainability throughout our supply chain. We prioritise purchasing services and products from suppliers who share our commitment to responsibility.
Our sustainability objectives for 2030 support the development of human rights, in particular responsible corporate culture and sustainable supply chain.
Human rights in our supply chain
All our suppliers are required to adhere to the Metsä Group Code of Conduct for Suppliers, which outlines our minimum standards for environmental protection, human rights, and responsible business practices. In 2023, a remarkable 99.0 % of our procurement came from suppliers who embrace these principles.
Additionally, our suppliers are expected to respect internationally recognised human rights as declared in the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and ILO Labor Standards. They must act in compliance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, taking action to remedy any adverse human rights impacts they may cause. Special attention is given to possible adverse impacts on vulnerable groups or individuals, such as migrant workers.
To guide our procurement decisions, we employ supplier background checks, risk analyses, assessments, and audits. Our goal is to ensure that our partners align with our environmental, social, and economic requirements.
Metsä Group’s ethics channel serves as a platform for our suppliers to report any misconduct or concerns, helping us proactively identify risks within the supply chain.