Origin of wood, certificates and management systems

We comply with legislation in all our operations. Metsä Group procures its wood from sustainably managed northern forests. Certified wood has priority in our wood supply. In 2024, certified wood accounted for 93 per cent of the wood we procured. We know where our wood originates in each country of procurement. Our business is based on continuous improvement and management systems.

Our wood supply does not cause deforestation. All the countries from which we procure wood require forests to be renewed after harvesting.

Forest certification is an internationally recognised way of indicating that forest management is sustainable. The forest owner decides whether to certify their forest, and which certification system to use. PEFC and FSC® are the forest certification systems used in our wood supply areas.

Forest certification focuses on two key elements: sustainable forest management and the wood supply chain (chain of custody, CoC).

Forest certification systems specify how forests must be managed, and how the supply chain must function for the certification requirements to be met. A certified supply chain ensures that the origin of wood is communicated reliably throughout the chain.

All the wood we procure comes from either certified forests or forests that meet the requirements of controlled origin (PEFC controlled sources, FSC Controlled Wood). We do not have our own forests from which we procure wood.

Our wood supply chains employ PEFC and FSC chains of custody. Our operations comply with the European Timber Regulation (EUTR), the Lacey Act and the UK Timber Regulation (UKTR).

Our management system is based on our quality management system (ISO 9001), environmental management system (ISO 14001) and occupational health and safety system (ISO 45001). We use the EFQM framework for continuous improvement and participate in EFQM external assessments. In 2024, we were recognised as a 6-star Outstanding organization in the evaluation.

Metsäliitto Cooperative’s FSC logo licence: FSC-C014476
Metsäliitto Cooperative’s PEFC logo licence: PEFC/02–31-03

  Quality: ISO 9001 Environment: ISO 14001 Safety: ISO 45001 PEFC Chain of Custody FSC Chain of Custody
Metsä Forest Finland x x x x x
Metsä Forest AB, Sweden x x x x x
SIA Metsä Forest Latvia x x x x x