Forest management plays a role in how quickly a new forest is established, what tree species are found in the forest, and what the new forest’s growth rate is. Good and well-timed forest management helps trees grow into robust log wood more quickly. Forest management promotes the health of Finnish forests, prevents forest damage and improves forests’ climate resilience.
Planting and clearing saw work are key tasks in forest management. In Metsä Group’s owner-members’ and other customers’ forests, these tasks are carried out by nearly 300 contractors, who employ around 1,000 forest-sector professionals during the season when the ground is unfrozen. As not enough Finnish employees are available for these tasks in every region, Metsä Group’s contractors also employ skilled workforce from other countries. In the case of foreign entrepreneurs, Metsä Group requires them to have a company registered in Finland. There are no differences in the level of compensation or the quality of work between Finnish and foreign workers.
Planting and clearing saw work is typically carried out as contract work. The entrepreneur’s responsibilities as an employer are specified in the agreement, and the entrepreneur sees to their workers’ work performance and employment conditions and remuneration bases. Metsä Group requires its contractors to conclude written employment contracts with their employees and comply with the collective agreement for the forest sector. Any subcontracting chains are always separately inspected and approved.
Metsä Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct guides the operations of contractors, who must adhere to the principles of entrepreneurial responsibilities. Each contractor and their background is checked concerning aspects such as financial obligations.
“We have a superb contractor network of professionals who do planting and clearing saw work in our owner-members’ and other customers’ forests. Their work is very important for the growth and biodiversity of Finnish forests, the climate, and ultimately, society at large. In addition to Finnish workers, we need foreign workforce in forestry work. It is crucial that Metsä Group and our contractors treat all workers fairly and equally. We always require our contractors to conclude a written employment contract with their workers. We monitor compliance with the obligations in various ways. We have also provided the Regional State Administrative Agency with a list of the companies that work for us to make their supervision as efficient as possible,” says Juha Jumppanen, Metsä Group’s EVP, Wood Supply and Forest Services.
Metsä Group has clear processes for managing and supervising its contractor network. Those in responsible positions supervise the contractor network’s operations as part of their daily duties and immediately address any concerns. Metsä Group conducts both internal and external audits of its contractors’ operations and actively cooperates with the authorities to ensure any shortcomings are detected.
These supervisory measures annually reveal a few isolated irregularities, which are addressed without delay. If the shortcomings are not rectified, the partnership is terminated.