Membership remains unchanged until the estate is distributed. To handle membership-related matters, a copy of the estate inventory deed and any will, including information about its service and acceptance, is required. All the parties to the estate must be indicated in the estate inventory deed. Alternatively, a certification of the parties to the estate issued by the Digital and Population Data Services Agency and a copy of such a part of the estate inventory deed that adequately identifies the parties to the estate can be accepted.
The parties jointly decide on wood trade, forest management work and investments, and they jointly sign any documents. The parties can also choose to authorise one person to manage the estate’s matters by power of attorney. The power of attorney must include the date of birth and contact information of the authorised person. Matters pertaining to the death estate can also be handled electronically in Metsäverkko by power of attorney.
When the estate is distributed, the investments in participation shares can either be transferred to a new membership or returned to the bank account, in which case the estate’s membership in Metsäliitto Cooperative ceases. The following are required to terminate the estate’s membership and transfer the investments to a new or existing membership:
- A copy of the estate inventory deed and any will, including information about its service and acceptance.
- If required, a power of attorney for the person managing the estate’s matters, unless one has already been provided.
- A deed of estate distribution, if one has been made, or another document (deed of gift, will, deed of sale) indicating the recipient(s) of the investments in Metsäliitto Cooperative’s participation shares.
- A signed change form for termination or transfer.
- The membership that will receive the transfer (if the recipient is not yet a member, they can apply for membership using the membership form).