Wood trading with us is easy, and up-to-date forest asset data and our electronic Metsäverkko service further facilitate the planning of operations. To get further information about our services, please contact your nearest forest specialist.
Wood trading with us is easy, and up-to-date forest asset data and our electronic Metsäverkko service further facilitate the planning of operations. To get further information about our services, please contact your nearest forest specialist.
Jointly owned forest partnerships have access to the free Metsäverkko online service, which enables users to check and update their forest plan, request a quote from their forest specialist and place electronic orders for forest management and wood trade, for example. They also have access to the free Metsäverkko mobile application.
It is possible to authorise a single person to handle all forest-related matters in Metsäverkko. For example, a jointly owned forest partnership can give authorisation to a trustee, who can then carry out all the wood deals in Metsäverkko. Of course, wood trade can still be done traditionally with our forest specialist in person. It is also possible to give other people read access to Metsäverkko – to all the partners of a jointly owned forest if required. Read more about Metsäverkko here.
Your forest plan is always up-to-date in Metsäverkko. Users can update all their felling and forestry work in the service, and if a jointly owned forest partnership has a forest asset management agreement with us, we can update the forest asset data with the work that Metsä Group carries out in the forest.
The up-do-date forest asset data and forest plan provide the jointly owned forest with an overall view of the measures to be carried out in the next decade, including the related income and expenses. The forest plan makes it easier to plan and carry out work and to keep in touch with Metsä Group’s forest specialists. Read more about Metsäverkko.
Our solid experience in wood trade and harvesting ensures carefree forest management for forest owners: we can take the forest owner’s individual goals and the characteristics of their forest into consideration.
If required, we can handle every stage of wood trade on behalf of the partnership, from felling site planning to wood transports, including various authority permits. We keep the jointly owned forest’s contact person informed about what is going on in the forest. Read more about the wood trade process with us.
We provide Metsäliitto Cooperative’s owner-members with comprehensive forest management and nature management services for every stage of forest development. Through their forest specialist, jointly owned forest partnerships get forest management and nature management planning, as well as high-quality materials and forestry professionals for their forests across Finland. As an owner-member, a jointly owned forest partnership can also pay for work and materials using the bonuses accumulated from wood trade.
Indeed, a jointly owned forest partnership can outsource the management of all its forest assets to us. Should it decide to do so, we will ensure that the forest is managed according to the partners’ wishes, and that their long-term plans and goals are met. However, the decisions on felling and management work are always made by the jointly owned forest. Learn more about our forest management services.
In January, we send a summary report of all the previous year’s forestry work and wood purchases between us and the forest owner. These reports are useful when filing a forest tax return.
We use a four-tier quality assurance method to follow the quality of our work. We offer a guarantee for our forestry work in accordance with the general terms and conditions for forest management services and ensure in various ways that the results of our work remain competitive. Read more about the quality guarantees in forest management.
A forest asset management agreement offers many useful benefits to jointly owned forest partnerships. Cooperation is based on a jointly prepared annual plan and budget. We propose measures that depend on the aspects you want to emphasise in forest management, and the partners of the jointly owned forest make the final decisions on the work carried out.
For each jointly owned forest partnership that is a forest asset management customer, we appoint a forest expert specialising in forest asset management. The forest specialist ensures the forest is managed systematically and professionally in accordance with your goals. Your forest specialist can provide you with all the normal forestry-related services, and it is easy to communicate with us through a single contact person. As a forest asset management customer, a jointly owned forest partnership receives at least twice the bonuses of basic customers. Read more about contract customers’ benefits.
If the jointly owned forest partnership has a forest asset management agreement with us, we prepare annual statements that help plan forest use. The statements indicate the value of forest assets and are convenient when planning forest use. They provide support for decisions on how much of the forest can be sustainably felled annually, and the amount of felling that is profitable. The statements are made on a case-by-case basis, and they require your forest asset data to be stored in Metsä Group’s forest asset database.
In the annual plan, we propose and plan timely measures to ensure that the jointly owned forest’s long-term goals are met. All decisions about forestry measures are ultimately made by the owners. If the forest is managed systematically, it is possible to double the profitability of forest management. Read more about the benefits of contract customers.
Through Metsä Group, a jointly owned forest can join the PEFC certification scheme for free. This requires the owners to commit to the criteria of forest certification in their forest.
Our contract customers can also join FSC certification and take advantage of our FSC nature site service, which is described in greater detail here.
Read more about forest certification.
Metsäliitto Cooperative's PEFC logo license: PEFC/02-31-03
Licence number of Metsäliitto Cooperative’s FSC group certificate: FSC-C111942
The model for Metsäliitto Cooperative’s profit distribution rewards owner-members who engage in active wood trade with us. After paying the participation share investment, a jointly owned forest partnership can increase its assets by investing in Metsä1 additional shares. Moreover, as an owner-member, the jointly owned forest partnership can make an additional profit for every cubic metre of wood it sells for four years, even if it makes no further investment. Learn more about our profit distribution.