The mill has three tissue paper machines, 10 converting lines for tissue paper and one greaseproof paper machine. Mänttä mill has a deinking plant, where we handle recycled paper used in the tissue production process. Mänttä was the first mill in Finland to use recycled fibre in tissue paper.
In Mänttä we produce toilet tissues, household towels, handkerchiefs, industrial rolls and greaseproof paper for baking and cooking products. We have approximately 469 employees working in production, maintenance, logistics, product and process development, business and administration.
We cooperate locally
We are an active community member and respect the diversity of the local communities in which we operate. We employ a significant number of people and actively promote well-being at work. Our local involvement includes cooperation with the local authorities, schools, media and different partners and organisations. We aim to work continuously to protect and enhance the environment surrounding our mill.
Joint ownership
Mäntän Puhdistamo Oy is a company owned by Metsä Tissue and Mäntän Kaukolämpö ja Vesihuolto. The company purifies wastewater through its bio-wastewater treatment plant. This enabled the closure of the water treatment plants in Vilppula and Kolho, thus decreasing the load on local waterways and bringing savings.
Our brands
In Mänttä mill, we produce products for our brands Serla, Lambi and Katrin. We also produce tissue products for our customers’ own brands and greaseproof paper for SAGA Baking and Cooking products.