Mänttä mill in Finland

Mänttä mill was established in 1868 by Gustaf Adolf Serlachius. Originally the mill was a groudwood mill, but the company launched production of toilet tissue in 1908 and production of greaseproof paper in 1924.

Key figures

  • 1868



  • 469


  • 97 000


    Annual production

  • 4

    Brands produced

The mill has three tissue paper machines, 10 converting lines for tissue paper and one greaseproof paper machine. Mänttä mill has a deinking plant, where we handle recycled paper used in the tissue production process. Mänttä was the first mill in Finland to use recycled fibre in tissue paper.

In Mänttä we produce toilet tissues, household towels, handkerchiefs, industrial rolls and greaseproof paper for baking and cooking products. We have approximately 469 employees working in production, maintenance, logistics, product and process development, business and administration.

We cooperate locally

We are an active community member and respect the diversity of the local communities in which we operate. We employ a significant number of people and actively promote well-being at work. Our local involvement includes cooperation with the local authorities, schools, media and different partners and organisations. We aim to work continuously to protect and enhance the environment surrounding our mill.

Joint ownership

Mäntän Puhdistamo Oy is a company owned by Metsä Tissue and Mäntän Kaukolämpö ja Vesihuolto. The company purifies wastewater through its bio-wastewater treatment plant. This enabled the closure of the water treatment plants in Vilppula and Kolho, thus decreasing the load on local waterways and bringing savings.

Our brands

In Mänttä mill, we produce products for our brands Serla, Lambi and Katrin. We also produce tissue products for our customers’ own brands and greaseproof paper for SAGA Baking and Cooking products.

Mänttä mill’s certificates

  • Occupational Health and Safety Management System ISO 45001
  • Quality Management System ISO 9001
  • Environmental Management System ISO 14001
  • Food Safety Management System ISO 22000
  • Food safety, Traceability and Quality System  BRC
  • Energy Management System ISO 50001
  • Management System for the Chain of Custody of Wood PEFC™
  • Management System for the Chain of Custody of Wood FSC®

We also have the EU Ecolabel, also known as EU Flower, for all our Away from Home tissue base papers, including base papers made from 100% recycled fibre. Additionally Eco-labels such as the Nordic Swan.

Read more about our certified management systems and see our certificates.

Did you know that...

  • Each European uses 12.8 kg tissue paper per year. Everyday choices matter.
  • In Mänttä mill, we produce approximately 340 tons of tissue paper in a day – the amount corresponds to three million rolls of toilet paper.
  • Each day we deliver some 30 trucks filled with tissue products from Mänttä mill to Finnish grocery stores.

Contact information

Metsä Tissue, Mänttä mill
Tehtaankatu 16, FI-35800 Mänttä, Finland
P.O. Box 300, FI-35801 Mänttä, Finland
Tel: +358 10 464 7999
Email: firstname.lastname[at]metsagroup.com
Mill manager: Jarkko Lindroos

General e-mail for Mänttä mill: metsatissue.fi[at]metsagroup.com 

Driving instructions

Mänttä mill on a map
Visitors: Follow Metsä signs to gate G4 (Pääportti)
Heavy traffic:

  • Outgoing (products): Follow Metsä signs to gate G5 (Länsiportti)
  • Incoming (raw materials): Follow Metsä signs to gate G3 (Koskiportti)
  • Incoming (recycled paper, fuels): Follow Metsä signs to gate G1 (Rataportti)

Metsä Tissue Sales office, Tampere
Hatanpään valtatie 30, FI-33100 Tampere, Finland
P.O. Box 215, FI-33101 Tampere, Finland
Tel: +358 10 464 7999
Email: firstname.lastname[at]metsagroup.com

Metsä Tissue Head office, Espoo
Revontulenpuisto 2, FI-02100 Espoo, Finland
P.O. Box 25, FI-02020 Metsä, Finland
Tel :+358 10 4616
Email: firstname.lastname[at]metsagroup.com