
Please, use the filters or search with a keyword to browse our contacts. If you don't find the contact you are looking for, please, send us a message using the contact form below.

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How can we help you?

Do you have any questions about our company or our products? New ideas or surprising suggestions for improvements to our site? Send us your feedback using the form below. This information will only be used to process and respond to consumer feedback.

Please complete the following information. Please note that the fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory. We will respond to your request as soon as possible.

Want to become a supplier for Metsä?

Companies interested in cooperating with Metsä Group are invited to fill in our contact form for suppliers.

Metsä Tissue respects your privacy and processes personal data according to the applicable data protection legislation. We use the personal data you provide us to reply to your feedback or question. Further information is available in the privacy statement of Metsä Tissue.
Metsä Tissue respects your privacy and processes personal data according to the applicable data protection legislation. We use the personal data you provide us to reply to your feedback or question. Further information is available in the privacy statement of Metsä Tissue.