Groundworks that pave the way for a successful project

Welcome to our Future Mill blog, where you can read posts from people within our organization related to the expansion and modernization of Mariestad Mill. Fredrik Wirf has extensive experience of design, development, construction and project management in various forms, mostly in industry. Fredrik is not idle when he is free, on the contrary, his great leisure interest has resulted in him building five of his own houses!
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Project leader for the land and construction works for the expansion and modernization of Mariestad Mill

My name is Fredrik Wirf and I am project leader for the land and construction works for the expansion and modernization of Mariestad Mill. After a long planning phase, we finally put the "shovel in the ground" on February 15 this year. Initially, there is a strong focus on groundworks, including rock excavation, pipelines, road construction and ground preparation for new buildings.

The landscape of the mill is now being transformed at a dramatic pace. In the south-eastern part, we have erected a six-meter-high temporary protective embankment and in the north-eastern part we have started to build a permanent protective embankment which, when completed this autumn, will extend about 300 meters from northeast to south. Safety barriers have several functions: they reduce noise pollution, reduce the risk of accidents, prevent dust, and help prevent local residents from visually overlooking a large worksite.

The work area may not look very inviting right now. If you look at the adjacent vision image, you will get a better idea of what the Future Mill and its surroundings will look like in a few years’ time. Trees and vegetation will be replanted and our shadow animations show that local residents will not be negatively affected by the new buildings. We will also create a pond for amphibians to thrive in, and provide roosts for bats.

Other notable works at the moment are mainly blasting, crushing and drilling, which will continue for most of 2023. The blasting itself involves drilling holes in the rock, placing capsules of explosives in the holes. The hole is then filled with bulk explosives and the last part is filled with gravel. The area to be blasted is then weight covered with rubber mats. Noise and vibration can vary depending on the location of the blasting area and the weather. We have chosen a wider area for environmental monitoring than required, because we see this as an important topic.

By the end of 2023, the first foundations for buildings will be laid. In early 2024, the first frame is planned to be erected. First up is the slab for our fully automated high-bay warehouse, after which we will start work on the basement for the paper machine.

In the southern part, we will eventually build the dispatch area, here we will create better opportunities and better facilities for drivers with incoming and outgoing goods. There will be both showers and toilets in the new gatehouse.

As for freight traffic, it will be directed from the E20 via the Sandbäcken exit towards Marieforsleden. We are directing traffic away from Sandbäcksvägen to reduce the traffic flow for our neighbors at the mill.

There is a lot going on and there will be even more going on in the future. Please visit our website from time to time to follow the work. Here you will also find contact details if you have any comments, or if you are just curious about our work. Do not hesitate to contact us!

Project leader for the land and construction works for the expansion and modernization of Mariestad Mill