The move towards a more sustainable future doesn't happen just by accident. We work for it and we can help you to do the same. Our mission is to maximize hygiene in public places like washrooms and workplaces, and to help to keep good hygiene at home as well, and do this with sustainability as a priority.
How to improve hygiene in public washrooms?
Hygiene is important everywhere and poor hygiene can be disastrous. Public opinion towards better hand hygiene has increased dramatically and hand sanitizers, soap and paper towels are seen as more important than ever for our daily safety. In the post-pandemic world, good hygiene is ever more important. To continue our global way of life, we must take hygiene seriously.
To get more insight of our end user behavior we recently conducted a study, that was carried out in 7 countries, with 3001 respondents, by an external market research company.
But the study results were not okay, not at all! Why?
- In Europe only 77% wash their hands after visiting the toilet! So, there is still a lot to be done to get people to wash their hands after toilet visits – and after other everyday actions
- 75% prefer to dry their hands with paper towels.
Of those who washed their hands:
- 87% use soap in the toilet
- 83% use warm water
When we consider that 80% of all infections are spread via hands we have still a long way to go to maximize hygiene in public toilets alone.