Katrin hygiene solutions ensure safe terrace experiences with a view of the rapids

Dam Bar, a popular terrace restaurant in Tampere, reacted to COVID-19 like many other restaurants. The DAM team decided to improve the safety of its customers and staff with an up-to-date hygiene system and chose Katrin hygiene solutions.
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The pandemic period has put a squeeze on restaurants in many ways. In this situation, it is particularly important to meet the tightened hygiene requirements, customer expectations and recommendations of the authorities. Katrin team helped Dam Bar in choosing the hygiene system. Katrin is Metsä Tissue’s hygiene brand for professionals.

Looking for a simple and reliable solution

Dam Bar opened its doors in early summer 2021. It was clear already during the extensive renovation and reform work that the opening would take place in the middle of the protracted pandemic.

Therefore, hygiene requirements were considered right from the start, and particular attention was put on the choice of the hygiene system. Restaurant manager Samuli Hyvärinen and entrepreneur Kimmo Sirviö are long-term experts in the field, so they had extensive experience and insight.

“The system must be simple to maintain and reliable for the user. We have found that paper is the best drying method – it is also the customers’ favourite,” says Hyvärinen.

It has also been proved by studies. According to the washroom study* commissioned by Metsä Tissue, 89% of Finns think restaurants should have paper hand towels for the customers. In addition, 82% of the respondents indicated that a well-looked-after washroom affects the image of the entire restaurant.

Partner’s sustainability matters

Dam Bar’s facilities, customer numbers and needs were surveyed with a Katrin representative to find the appropriate hygienic solution. Sustainability issues were also discussed before the decision, for they also played a role in choosing the right partner. Katrin tissue papers are manufactured at Metsä Tissue’s Mänttä mill.

“We were informed about the Metsä value chain from forest management to the final product and how the environment is considered throughout the chain. These are important things”, Hyvärinen emphasises.

“As an entrepreneur, I always appreciate dealing with a Finnish company that provides good service,” says Sirviö.

Hygiene products in heavy use

Dam Bar’s first summer went well despite COVID-19. Great weather and the restaurant’s location by the Tammerkoski rapids contributed to the popularity.

“We have a sunny terrace with a view of the rapids, so the house can be packed full. However, the summer proved that people pay a lot of attention to hygiene and keep to the designated seating on the terrace,” says Hyvärinen.

The use of hand sanitiser, for example, has become part of the routine for customers, and Dam Bar’s entrepreneurs also think that people use it correctly.

“Anyway, and this is just my opinion, I don’t see people replacing soap with sanitiser. The consumption of hand soap has also increased, and sanitiser is used in addition to washing for extra hygiene when, for example, arriving at the restaurant,” Hyvärinen explains.

“Both are needed. People will immediately comment if we have run out of sanitiser, soap or paper somewhere.” To ensure a good customer experience, it is, therefore, crucial that the hygiene system and maintenance intervals correspond to the number of visitors.

New normal challenges hygiene solutions

COVID-19 will certainly leave its mark on people’s thinking and behaviour. According to the Metsä Tissue study, 64% of Finns believe that hand hygiene habits have changed permanently due to the pandemic. This makes it all the more important that public, commercial and private facilities provide appropriate conditions to ensure hygiene.

Dam Bar responsibly meets the increased expectations with a comprehensive Katrin hygiene solution tailored to their needs. It ensures that guests can safely enjoy their restaurant experience during and after the pandemic.

Kantar/Metsä Tissue Washroom Survey 2021