Launched in 2008, Metsä Tissue’s Tissue 20 project aims to achieve a saving comparable to 20 per cent of the company’s 2007-level energy consumption by the end of 2012. The project is making good headway and the company expects to meet the set goal by the end of this year.
Actions taken in 2011 achieved a year-on-year efficiency improvement of 3.6 per cent. All our mills improved their energy efficiency, the biggest per-mill improvement being 8 per cent.
“Thanks to the Tissue 20 project, we are using less energy than in 2007 although our production has increased significantly,” says Jarkko Kaplin, Vice President, Purchasing and Energy. “A sustainable way of working is the foundation of all activity at Metsä Tissue. Continuous development of energy efficiency is part of our daily work and a perfect example of our continuous improvement process (CIP). Our goal is to be among the most energy efficient tissue companies in the world.”
Metsä Tissue has invested more than EUR 10 million in energy efficiency as part of the Tissue 20 project. The company will continue to invest in energy-saving actions also in the future. In 2012 the company has earmarked significant amount of money for energy efficiency investments.
Further information:
Jarkko Kaplin, Vice President, Purchasing and Energy
Tel. +358 (0) 1046 54956, Email:
Marja-Leena Dahlskog, Communications Manager
Tel. +358 (0) 1046 55149, Email: