For decades, Metsä Tissue has been considered an experienced training company and an excellent top employer, which has successfully trained apprentices in its mills. Continuous investments in new energy and machine technologies as well as digital solutions that are constantly becoming more efficient, offer future-oriented places to work at the Düren, Kreuzau and Raubach mills.
Trained and dedicated instructors provide young adults a modern training that gives them a good start to their careers at Metsä and by that enable them to grow professionally in the paper industry together with the company. The average length of service at Metsä Tissue and Metsä Greaseproof Papers is 18 years.
Metsä encourages the development of its employees. As an example, a teacher is available for the apprentices in addition to their vocational school. To develop their presentation and communication skills, the apprentices work as a team at local job and training fairs and, as trained Metsä ambassadors, represent their apprenticeship occupations and the company. With videos and personal statements, they give first-hand information about their work and contribute with valuable ideas and input to Metsä's social media channels.
Metsä Tissue's occupational fields include apprenticeships as a paper technologist, machine and plant operator, industrial mechanic, electronics technician for industrial engineering and industrial clerk (m/f/d), as well as a dual study Bachelor of Engineering Paper Technology (m/f/d). In addition, training for the position of a warehouse logistics specialist (m/f/d) is being offered for the first time this year. To make career decisions easier, students can get a taste of several professions during the internship. The HR teams are happy to accept inquiries for internships.
Simone Klein, VP Human Resources, is confident about the newcomers and the future: "We are pleased to welcome seven new talents to Metsä Tissue and Metsä Greaseproof Papers team this year and wish them a lot of fun and success during their training. For the 2023 training year, we plan to fill apprenticeship positions in the double-digit range. We have developed a simplified application process that allows applicants to apply for an apprenticeship in two minutes. Interested parties can find details, comprehensive info and good tips on our new careers website."
In 2022, Metsä Tissue Germany received the Top Employer award for the second time in a row.