Efficient logistics

The strategic location of Metsä Tissue’s mills allows us to maintain efficient logistics and to reduce carbon emissions caused by transportations as our aim is to produce all of our tissue paper products as close to our markets as possible. This allows us to minimise unnecessary transportation of tissue products, which are typically light, airy and bulky in form. Over 80% of Metsä Tissue’s deliveries are made within a distance of 500 km’s from our mills.  We also aim to harmonise our product range so that storing and transporting the products would be as efficient as possible. The form of packaging of the products, as well as their placement patterns on the transport pallets have a big impact on the efficiency of logistics as. The target is to only transport full pallets and trucks. We are committed to developing our logistics and reducing carbon dioxide emissions from transports by 22% from 2019 level by 2030.
  • -22


    Target 2030: CO2 emissions per product tonne from 2019 level

  • -9.5


    CO2 per product tonne in 2023 from 2019 level


  2023 2022 2021 2020 2019
CO2 per tonne of product 36 38,0 37,1 37,8 kg 39,8 kg
Reduction in CO2 from 2019 level -9.5 % -4 % -7 % -5 % Base year

Alternative fuels in transporting goods enable Metsä Tissue to decrease CO2 emissions. After the change to low fossil fuels in 2024, approximately 40 percent % of Metsä Tissue Scandinavia’s outbound transports are now powered by HVO or biodiesel. These biofuel transports represent a vast majority of the outbound transports that Metsä Tissue organizes by itself in the region. Using these fuels, Metsä Tissue in Scandinavia can reduce emissions by up to 90 percent per truck transport. This is an important step in our strategy and in reaching our ambitious sustainability targets for 2030. The same change has taken place in Finland for self-organized domestic transports.

Due to Metsä Tissue’s planned investment in the UK market in the coming years, as well as the planned doubling of the production capacity in the Swedish mill in Mariestad, the transport emissions are anticipated to decrease slower during the transformation period. During the business ramp-up and construction period, products need to be transported over longer distances. This transformation is an enabler to Metsä Tissue’s Future Mill plans, which target world-class environmental efficiency in tissue production. With these plans we aim for security of supply in sustainable local production on necessity tissue products.

Read more about the investment here.