According to the German Conference of Ministers of Education, student numbers are expected to rise from 11.1 million in 2023 to 11.8 million by 2035—a 6.8% increase driven by higher birth rates and immigration. At the same time, however, many municipalities are struggling with a deficit budget and are required to align urban and district planning as well as the construction and operation of public buildings with climate neutrality. These are completely opposed factors that need to be linked.

Fast, stable and reliable 

Even more important are construction solutions that enable fast, economical, and sustainable building – to create new educational facilities and expand existing ones. Kerto LVL opens up new possibilities here. The lightweight elements made of Kerto LVL also simplify handling and installation and can reduce emissions. The strength-to-weight ratio of LVL is comparable to steel and it is more load bearing than typical massive wood products which significantly reduces material consumption for constructions. “Some lintel and support details can only be standardized with Kerto LVL Q-panel due to its high performance, even when requirements change. This means that even for large window openings and increased loads, no adjustments are needed, streamlining and accelerating construction processes,” explains Moritz Burk, Offsite Manager at Metsä Wood. “Speed is especially critical in school construction to minimize disruption to ongoing education”, he continues. 

Slim wall structures 

Kerto LVL can be used in school construction in various ways. Different product variants specify their respective areas of application. For example, Kerto LVL L- and Q-panels are suitable for particularly slim wall constructions with 39, 45, and 51 millimeters. The lower material usage helps to ensure that less wood is needed per square meter of wall, thus optimizing the available usable area – an important factor in school buildings both ecologically and economically. The good fire protection properties are due to the quality and density of the Nordic spruce. 

Long Spans 

Column-free ceiling constructions with large spans are also required in modern school construction to make the best use of the available space. Specially manufactured, large-format GLVL beams made of Kerto LVL achieve spans of up to 10 meters with minimal deflection. Kerto LVL can meet these high static requirements mainly because the material has no weak points such as knots. Because the beams appear calm, homogeneous, and natural, they can also be used as visible elements, setting special architectural accents. A very high degree of prefabrication of all elements always ensures efficient construction site processes. 

Up to 50 percent less material 

High spans of up to 24 meters are also possible with glued rib and hollow box elements made of Kerto LVL. The particular cost-effectiveness is evident in spans between six and 15 meters. With the efficiency-oriented structure, material consumption can be reduced by up to 50 percent compared to the massive wood solution. Depending on the project requirements, rib, box, or even open box elements are possible. Ribs are located on the top or bottom of the element. The depth of prefabrication is very variable: for example, the ceiling element can already be insulated or provided with a raw ceiling load in the factory. If the latter is introduced into the hollow box, this also minimizes the ceiling height compared to the solid wood solution. Different-sized openings for ventilation, electrical, and other installations can also be integrated into the ribs. 

Kerto LVL is a forward-looking material that is gaining more attention in school construction and additions due to its very good building physics properties, such as lightness. "We were able to complete an entirely new school floor within the summer holidays without any problems," explains Thomas Rintsch, Managing Director of Arche Naturhaus GmbH, which realized a school addition with Kerto LVL. "Fast, light, dimensionally stable, and strong: These are the product advantages in a nutshell." The different application possibilities for new construction and renovation open up great possibilities for timber construction companies, planners, and architects, as well as ultimately municipalities, to create cost-efficient and sustainable school places.