Stark, a nation-wide building materials chain, is a major player in its field and a large part of its turnover comes from traditional wood products. Stark is also an important customer of Metsä Wood, and the two companies have a long tradition of cooperation going back decades. In recent years, the two companies have worked even more closely together. One reason is that environmental and sustainability requirements are becoming more stringent. This requires construction operators to provide more accurate and detailed information on the origin of products, manufacturing methods, carbon footprint and environmental impact.
According to Anne Koskinen, Sustainability director of Stark Finland, the construction business is now focusing on quality, low carbon and responsibility. And also our suppliers need to respond better to this demand.
"Our customers are mainly construction companies, and their need for information has increased continuously over the past year. From larger companies, it is moving to the subcontractor stage, and the new Construction Act that will come into force in 2025 will further increase the sustainability requirements," says Koskinen.