Stark, a nation-wide building materials chain, is a major player in its field and a large part of its turnover comes from traditional wood products. Stark is also an important customer of Metsä Wood, and the two companies have a long tradition of cooperation going back decades. In recent years, the two companies have worked even more closely together. One reason is that environmental and sustainability requirements are becoming more stringent. This requires construction operators to provide more accurate and detailed information on the origin of products, manufacturing methods, carbon footprint and environmental impact. 

According to Anne Koskinen, Sustainability director of Stark Finland, the construction business is now focusing on quality, low carbon and responsibility. And also our suppliers need to respond better to this demand.  

"Our customers are mainly construction companies, and their need for information has increased continuously over the past year. From larger companies, it is moving to the subcontractor stage, and the new Construction Act that will come into force in 2025 will further increase the sustainability requirements," says Koskinen.

Together with Metsä Wood's experts, we decided to get to the bottom of the sustainability challenge. In the Teams training sessions organised last autumn, Stark's employees were given an insight into Metsä Wood's entire production chain, from forest management, forest certification and wood procurement to end products. According to Koskinen, the knowledge gained from the training directly benefits the customers and makes work easier, especially in sales. Instead of time-consuming web surfing and comparisons, the necessary product information can more often be found directly from Stark. 

"And we also received a carbon storage statement for our own purchases," Koskinen adds. 

"Close collaboration with our customers enhances sustainable practices and strengthens both business competitiveness and environmental responsibility”, says Rosa Zabihian, Sustainability manager at Metsä Wood.

According to Rosa Zabihian, Sustainability manager at Metsä Wood, Stark's training package ended up being a smoothly structured one, as both companies had the same sustainability goals. She explains that certain sustainability-related services are available to all Metsä Wood customers and partners. One example is the carbon storage calculator for wood products on Metsä Wood's website. 

"Through training, we help our customers to better understand, sell and use our products. Regulation in the industry is moving ahead at a rapid pace right now, and we also have the most up-to-date information on these changes," Zabihian points out. Metsä Wood supplies Stark with plywood and Kerto® LVL products. In addition, Metsä Fibre supplies Stark with sawn timber. 

Text: Timo Sormunen Photos: Seppo Samuli 

The article was originally published in Metsä Group's Viesti magazine issue 1/2024. Viesti is a publication for Metsäliitto Cooperative's owners. 

Stark Finland is part of the Stark Group, the largest building materials company in Northern Europe. Metsä Wood supplies Stark not only with sawn timber, but also with plywood and Kerto LVL products.