DoP and UK DoC Library

​​​Here you can access Declaration of Performance documents (DoPs) for the products you purchase from Metsä Wood, for compliance to the Construction Products Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 and the UK Declaration of Conformity documents (UK DoCs) for compliance to The Construction Products (Amendment etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (S.I. 2019/465).

DoP reference can be found from the CE marking and UK DoC reference from UKCA marking of the product. References can be also found from the commercial documents or from the list of DoP and UK DoC references of Metsä Wood products (found below). Please note that the DoP and UK DoC reference has to be entered in the exact format into the search box.


  1. Enter the DoP or UK DoC reference (e.g. MW/PW/411-001/CPR/DOP) to the search. Reference list can be found below.

  2. If needed, choose the language.

  3. If needed, choose the validity of the DoP / UK DoC. Valid documents are chosen by default.

  4. Click "Find"

Kerto® LVL products

Product DoP Reference DoC Reference
Kerto LVL S-beam MW/LVL/311-001/CPR/DOP MW/LVL/311-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Kerto LVL Q-panel MW/LVL/312-001/CPR/DOP MW/LVL/312-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Kerto LVL Qp-beam MW/LVL/313-001/CPR/DOP MW/LVL/313-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Kerto LVL L-panel MW/LVL/318-001/CPR/DOP MW/LVL/318-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Kerto LVL D-panel MW/LVL/316-002/CPR/DOP MW/LVL/316-002/UKCA/UKDOC
Kerto LVL Kate MW/LVL/316-001/CPR/DOP MW/LVL/316-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Kerto LVL T-stud MW/LVL/314-001/CPR/DOP MW/LVL/314-001/UKCA/UKDOC

Spruce plywood products

Product DoP Reference DoC Reference
Metsä Wood Spruce MW/PW/421-001/CPR/DOP MW/PW/421-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Spruce MouldGuard MW/PW/421-002/CPR/DOP MW/PW/421-002/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Spruce FireResist MW/PW/421-003/CPR/DOP MW/PW/421-003/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Spruce Flex MW/PW/421-005/CPR/DOP MW/PW/421-005/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Spruce WeatherGuard MW/PW/421-006/CPR/DOP MW/PW/421-006/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Conifer MW/PW/422-001/CPR/DOP MW/PW/422-001/UKCA/UKDOC

Birch plywood products

Product DoP Reference DoC Reference
Metsä Wood Birch MW/PW/411-001/CPR/DOP MW/PW/411-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Form MW/PW/411-001/CPR/DOP MW/PW/411-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Deck MW/PW/411-001/CPR/DOP MW/PW/411-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Floor MW/PW/411-001/CPR/DOP MW/PW/411-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Top MW/PW/411-001/CPR/DOP MW/PW/411-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood SP MW/PW/411-001/CPR/DOP MW/PW/411-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Granit MW/PW/411-001/CPR/DOP MW/PW/411-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Integra MW/PW/411-001/CPR/DOP MW/PW/411-001/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Laser uncoated MW/PW/411-002/CPR/DOP MW/PW/411-002/UKCA/UKDOC
Metsä Wood Laser MW/PW/411-002/CPR/DOP MW/PW/411-002/UKCA/UKDOC

Finnjoist / Finnstud

Product DoP Reference
Finnjoist I-joist MWUK/FJI/321-001/CPR/DOP
Finnstud I-joist MWUK/FJI/321-002/CPR/DOP

UK Specific Products

Product DoP Reference DoC Reference
Softwood Cladding MWUK/CL/212-004/CPR/DOP MWUK/CL/212-004/UKCA/UKDOC
UC2 Softwood Cladding  MWUK/CL/212-005/CPR/DOP MWUK/CL/212-005/UKCA/UKDOC
UC3 Softwood Cladding MWUK/CL/212-006/CPR/DOP MWUK/CL/212-006/UKCA/UKDOC
Softwood Flooring MWUK/FL/213-004/CPR/DOP MWUK/FL/213-004/UKCA/UKDOC
UC2 Softwood Flooring  MWUK/FL/213-005/CPR/DOP MWUK/FL/213-005/UKCA/UKDOC
UC3 Softwood Flooring  MWUK/FL/213-006/CPR/DOP MWUK/FL/213-006/UKCA/UKDOC