木结构的奥运芬林馆将在东京的芬兰驻日大使馆内建成。芬林馆是由Kerto LVL(层积材)打造的装配式预制木构件搭建而成的。Kerto LVL层积材的生产商——芬林梅沙木业,将此次合作项目视为木结构建筑发展的重要推动力。芬林馆这样的项目为建筑行业专业人员创造了一个完美的契机,让大家齐聚一堂、分享知识——充分发挥了Kerto LVL层积材作为建筑材料所具备的快捷、轻质、绿色的特性。
“基于木材本身以及木材用途的信赖,正推动着木结构建筑领域的发展。为实现这一发展,建筑商、建筑师、材料生产商和构件工厂需要通力合作。”Timberpoint的合伙人Marko Suonpää解释道。
芬林馆项目从一开始就处处彰显出合作的力量。芬林梅沙木业让各种专业人员汇聚一堂,并与之分享Kerto LVL层积材所具备的各种性能的知识。每个参与者都专注于他们各自的核心专业领域及相关专业知识。
“我们并未使用任何新技术。我们凭借已有技术开展工作。”芬林梅沙木业技术客户服务总监Jussi Björman说道。“你其实可以采用类似的方法建造公寓楼宇。”
“不过,真正的创新之处在于,你能更好地利用构件加工生产的专门技术,并尝试将其应用在项目之中。项目伊始,Marko Suonpää和其他来自Timberpoint的专业人员就和芬林馆的结构设计师,来自AINS集团的Lasse Hietanen取得联系。”
“芬林馆项目十分有趣,”Suonpä说道,“芬林馆拥有魁梧的LVL柱式结构。Kerto LVL层积材在每个层面都清晰可见,”他继续说道,“作为一种材料,木材可被轻松处理加工,并且让建造过程十分快捷。Kerto LVL层积材具备尺寸稳定和强度两方面的优势。”
打造楼梯的创想是将75毫米厚的Kerto LVL层积材切割成楼梯的形状,再将它们粘合在一起。由此,单板形成的条纹状,令表面呈现出趣味满满的视觉效果,进而打造出引人注目的楼梯。
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The only way to move the #woodproductindustry forward is to collaborate. #MetsäPavilion is a prime example of professionals working together: [link]
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#MetsäPavilion in Tokyo is made entirely of #KertoLVL. “The benefits of Kerto LVL are dimensional stability and strength,” says element manufacturer Marko Suonpää from @timberpoint2016 Learn more: [link]
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The #MetsäPavilion project has required open communication and close collaboration between builders, architects, material providers and element factories. Read about the process: [link]
#KertoLVL #offsite #woodconstruction
Metsä Wood and @BusinessFinland’s Metsä Pavilion is a joint effort of builders, architects, material providers, logistics professionals and an element factory. Working together and communicating new ideas has resulted in a unique and prestigious staircase made entirely of Kerto LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber). Read more: [link]
#woodconstruction #KertoLVL #MetsäPavilion #offsite #woodarchitecture #wooddesign
Metsä Wood and @BusinessFinland’s Metsä Pavilion is an example of how collaboration from the very beginning of the project makes a construction project more efficient. Each party involved can concentrate on their strengths. Read more about the collaboration and the production of the wood elements for Metsä Pavilion.
Metsä Pavilion was a joint effort between several professionals from different fields of construction. “With this kind of collaboration, you must be willing to compromise without abandoning your own principles or values,” says element manufacturer Marko Suonpää from @Timberpoint. [link]
Video description
Metsä Pavilion in Tokyo: seamless collaboration makes construction more efficient
The elements used in Metsä Wood and Business Finland’s Metsä Pavilion were produced at the Timberpoint factory in Loviisa, Finland. Tight-knit collaboration between several professionals made the pavilion come to life:
“If we trust wood as a material and work with constructors, architects and element factories, we can offer completely new types of wood construction project,” says CEO and co-founder of Timberpoint Marko Suonpää.
Metsä Pavilion has massive multiple glued Kerto LVL components, and all the visible surfaces are Kerto LVL materials.
Using Kerto® LVL (Laminated Veneer Lumber) as a material makes construction fast, light and green. Unlike many other projects, the element manufacturer Timberpoint was involved in the planning process right from the start of the project and was thus able to make the production industrially efficient as well.
“The experience gained from the Metsä Pavilion project can also be applied in future projects,” says Suonpää.
Follow the story of Metsä Pavilion on www.metsawood.com/metsapavilion
Metsä Wood
芬林梅沙木业是欧洲领先的工程木制品生产商之一。我们致力于服务三类客户:建筑行业的客户、工业领域的客户和分销客户。我们的主要产品是 Kerto® LVL 板、胶合板,及其他木制品。
2019 年,芬林梅沙木业的销售额达到了 4 亿欧元,员工数量约为 1500 人。芬林梅沙木业隶属于芬林集团。
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