Continuous learning is key to renewal

It is important to us that each and every Metsä Group employee continuously maintain and develop their professional competence and workplace skills.

Renewal is important – whether it concerns technology, products or ways of working. We find it important that people are inspired by their work and yearn to learn new things.

We invest in the professional development of our employees, as well as in their wellbeing and safety at work. On the other hand, we expect every Metsä Group employee to develop their work and to consider what they could do better and how they could best support the achievement of common goals. We encourage you to display your competence and will provide you with opportunities to use it!

We seek to ensure that our employees are in the right job at the right time and have opportunities for professional development. We promote professional development in a variety of ways. Most of this professional development involves learning on the job, which we also support through job rotation. Additionally, we offer a broad range of training in support of professional development. The performance and development appraisals conducted on a regular basis also lend support to continuous improvement.

We want to provide our supervisors with opportunities to develop their leadership and management skills, since good supervisory work lays the foundation for wellbeing and safety at work and profitable operations. More than 800 supervisors have completed our supervisor training programmes. In Finland, our supervisors can also take the Specialist Qualification in Management. We launch new training programmes according to need. Examples include a business skills development programme for middle management and coaching for employees in expert positions.

Continuous development means that our employees have the opportunity to enhance their skills and discover new strengths within themselves. We believe that by offering challenging and varied duties, we enable our employees to grow as experts for a new era in a sector that undergoes constant renewal.