Long-term performance plan 2023–2027
The Board of Directors of Metsäliitto Cooperative has resolved in December 2022 to continue the long-term performance plan for Metsä Group's executives to the years 2023–2027. The purpose of the plan is to align the objectives of the owners and the executives in order to increase the Group's value, to commit the executives to perform the Group's mutual strategy, and to offer the executives a competitive long-term reward plan. The Plan includes three (3) performance periods (2023–2025, 2024–2026 and 2025–2027), each performance period is followed by one year restriction period.
The Board of Directors determines the performance criteria for each performance period and the targets set for them as well as the executives who belong to the target group at the beginning of each performance period. Reaching the targets set for a performance period determines the proportion of the reward to be paid to the executives. The potential rewards for the performance periods 2023–2025, 2024–2026 and 2025–2027 are based on the development of Metsä Group's return on capital employed (ROCE, %) as determined by the Board of Directors. Minimum levels have also been set for earnings before interest and taxes as well as the equity ratio. The Board of Directors is entitled to reduce the rewards fully or partly if defined earnings or equity ratio criteria are not met, or if the reward should exceed the maximum reward limit defined for each executive individually. In addition to the outcome of the performance criteria the basis for the reward is a synthetic share value of which is determined based on Metsä Group's total value. On maximum level the reward potential of the President and CEO is 250% of his annual base salary and the reward potential of the other Metsä Group's Executive Management Team members is 140% or 210% of executive's annual base salary. In addition, the reward limit has been set and the reward of the President and CEO can be 325% of his annual base salary at the maximum and the reward of the other Metsä Group's Executive Management Team members 180% or 270% of their annual base salary at the maximum.
The potential reward shall be paid in cash after the restriction period and it shall include taxes and other possible expenses. Should an executive's employment end during the performance or restriction period, the executive shall principally lose the right to reward.
The plan covers Metsä Group's Executive Management Team members as well as other key employees of Metsä Group, excl. Metsä Board Corporation which has an own long-term performance plan. Further information on Metsä Board's performance share plan 2023-2027 is available on company's webpages.