Supervisory Board

Metsäliitto Cooperative's rules specify that the Supervisory Board is a part of Metsäliitto Cooperative's administrative model. This aims to ensure the realisation of sufficient corporate governance and commitment of the members to the cooperative's decision-making. Strategic and other far-reaching decisions are taken by Metsäliitto Cooperative’s Board of Directors and the operative management takes decisions related to the management of operations.

  • Supervisory board's tasks and decision-making

    Supervisory board's tasks and decision-making

  • Election of Supervisory Board and term of office

    Election of Supervisory Board and term of office

  • Nomination Committee of the Supervisory Board

    Nomination Committee of the Supervisory Board

  • Composition and meetings during the previous financial period

    Composition and meetings during the previous financial period

Composition of the Supervisory Board

Chair: Juha Paajanen, Farming and Forestry entrepreneur, Savonlinna

Deputy Chair: Ahti Siponen, Master of Social Sciences, Kiuruvesi


Airaksinen Seppo, Forestry entrepreneur, Vantaa
Alatalo Matti, Farmer, Soini
Haikkonen Aila, Master of Science, Agricultural entrepreneur, Pori
Haukilahti Tapani, Farmer, Veteli
Hiekka Matti, Farmer, Entrepreneur, Ikaalinen
Kiviranta Esko, Farmer, Master in Law, Sauvo
Kontinen Kati, Licentiate of Science (Agriculture and Forestry), Mikkeli
Laatikainen Markus, Executive Manager, Posio
Laineenoja Jari, Agronomist, Huittinen
Laitinen Pirkko, Agrologist, Utajärvi
Lalli Jarmo, Rural entrepreneur, Pöytyä
Lauttia Petri, Farmer, Renko
Lillandt Anders, Farmer, Kristiinankaupunki
Lukkarinen Jouni, Agricultural entrepreneur, Pielavesi
Miettinen Petri, Agricultural entrepreneur, Juva
Mikkonen Eeva, Sales Person, Rääkkylä
Moilanen Jussi, Agrologist, Suomussalmi
Mulari Keijo, Rural entrepreneur, Suomussalmi
Mäkinen Laura, Engineer, Petäjävesi
Niemelä Henry, Farmer, Lapua
Rousu Simo, Forest entrepreneur, Ylitornio
Saaristo Stefan, Agrologist, Maalahti
Sarvijärvi Janne, Agricultural entrepreneur, Ylöjärvi
Savolainen Jyrki, Farmer, Laukaa
Turtiainen Matti, Editor, Farmer, Kerimäki
Uusitalo Ilkka, Farmer, Salo
Virnala Jukka, Entrepreneur, Kurikka
Wasström Anders, Farmer, Raasepori