Metsä Group's year 2024

Review of the President and CEO: The Group’s financial position remains strong

Weak economic development characterised 2024. In Europe and China, our main market areas, weak economic growth reduced our sales volumes, and continued high wood costs weighed down our result. Nevertheless, the Group’s financial position remained strong.

We completed investments, the largest of which were the tissue paper production line in Mariestad in Sweden and the Kerto LVL mill in Äänekoski in Finland. Our investments will strengthen our leading market position in these product groups. We also released our development programmes to renew the Mänttä tissue paper mill and the Simpele board mill. Our investments will strengthen our leading market position in these product groups.

Metsä Group has more than 90,000 owner-members, who own approximately 5.5 million hectares of Finnish forest. We offer forest owners forest services and expertise that help our customers safeguard the yield and health of their forests in the challenging conditions caused by climate change.

Forests and forestry are coming under pressure from development targets. It is our mission to find a balance between profitable commercial forest use, preparations for climate change and actions promoting biodiversity.

Metsä Group aims to pursue regenerative forestry by 2030.  The Metsä Group Plus service is taking us towards our goal. In 2024, more than a third of wood trade was carried out in accordance with the Metsä Group Plus model.  This is how our experts' efforts influence Finnish forests.

Ilkka Hämälä, President and CEO 

Year in numbers

  • 5,747



  • 203


    Comparable operating result

  • 9,581


  • 99.1


    Suppliers’ commitment to the Supplier Code of Conduct

  • 6,500


    Measures promoting biodiversity from 2023

  • 93


    Share of certified wood

Highlights of 2024

  • Progress in carbon capture

    Progress in carbon capture

  • Kemi bioproduct mill’s first year

    Kemi bioproduct mill’s first year

  • 6,586 measures promoting biodiversity

    6,586 measures promoting biodiversity

  • Progress in the regenerative land use programme

    Progress in the regenerative land use programme

  • Strong investment in the future

    Strong investment in the future