Examples in practice

Here you can find examples of our brand in practice. Our visual style is true and straightforward, combining high-quality with timeless feel. This is represented in all our actions from campaigns, exhibitions, social media presence to our visitor centres.

It's time to talk

In Finland, forest management and use of wood have been moulded by the interaction between different stakeholders. Now a need for a dialogue is more necessary than ever. This is why we invite experts to discuss the future prospects of nature, the forest sector and, at the same time, society as a whole.

The It's time to talk discussion series deals with topics such as the innovative and sustainable use of forests and how to combat biodiversity loss and climate change.

Watch the first episodes below and see the whole series on the campaign site.

Watch the whole series

It's time to talk

Episode 1: Forests and climate change

Duration: 32 min
It's time to talk

Episode 2: Forests and biodiversity

Duration: 22 min
It's time to talk

Episode 3: Forest industry and sustainable use of forests

Duration: 20 min

Explore Metsä Group in a completely new and inspiring way

Pro Nemus is Metsä Group’s visitor centre, providing an experiential cross-section of our operations, products and the opportunities offered by the bioeconomy. The centre features exhibitions and interactive experiences. It is a new way to learn about Metsä Group’s business operations, products, innovation activities and ways of working. Located in the Äänekoski mill area, the centre will be open to forest owners, customers, students and other stakeholders invited by Metsä Group.

Nemus Futurum showcases the Finnish forests in a completely new way through cutting edge technology. In the forests of Kirkniemi, in the Lohja area, our guides will introduce you to sustainable Finnish forest management, sustainable use of forests, forest nature and our bioproducts. Visitors will also experience how sustainable forest management has an effect on the climate and forest biodiversity.

Would you like to visit?

Metsä visitor centres
Metsä visitor centre
Metsä visitor centre


Want to read more?

A pdf version of the guidelines can be downloaded from the following link in case you need a printer-friendly off-line hard copy of the guidelines.