Metsä Group patterns

A selection of graphic patterns based on the form language of the Metsä Group moosehead have been created as an additional visual aid for business gift use.

The selection of patterns
The selection of patterns

Pattern colours

Only a limited selection of colours or tints should be used on a single pattern / object / surface / use context avoiding restlessness or cacophony.


Use of patterns

The use of Metsä patterns is exclusively restricted for promotional gift purposes only and must not be used in any other context e.g. marketing communication.

Examples of the use of patterns in different promotional items.
Examples of the use of patterns in different promotional items


Want to read more?

A pdf version of the guidelines can be downloaded from the following link in case you need a printer-friendly off-line hard copy of the guidelines.

A selection of graphic patterns based on the form language of the Metsä moosehead have been created as an additional visual aid exclusively for promotional products.