Fair Play – the Metsä way

At Metsä Group we support everyone’s professional development and success.

We are committed to comply with applicable labour standards in addition to the laws of the countries where we operate. We encourage fair and competitive compensation practices to attract and retain the best people. All employment related rights such as the freedom of association and the freedom to join trade unions are fully respected within our operations.

We are committed to ensure that no form of slavery is taking place in our own business or in our supply chain. We will comply with national laws and applicable international standards on minimum age wherever we operate. We do not employ persons below the minimum legal age for employment in the country where the employment takes place. Young employees (under 18 years) shall not be employed for any work that is likely to jeopardise their health and safety.


Keep these principles in mind

  • You have a right to express your views and a right to be heard.
  • You have a right to a signed employment contract which is provided in a language that is understandable to you.
  • You are always free to terminate your employment in accordance with the terms of your employment contract, applicable laws and collective agreements.
  • You have a right to choose whether to join trade unions or not.
  • You have a right to fair compensation and other employment conditions in accordance with local laws and collective agreements.


Rule to remember

Employment related rights are fully respected.