Private funds for private funs

All fraudulent actions are forbidden at Metsä Group. Fraud is a commonly used term to describe various forms of theft including dishonest behaviour such as deception, false claims or invoices, hiding of important facts or falsifying documents. Fraud is usually carried out to unjustly obtain money, property or services.

All Metsä Group personnel are obliged to act with integrity and have the responsibility to keep personal finances totally separate from the finances of Metsä Group. In addition to internal measures, all criminal activity will be reported to the authorities and those involved may face criminal consequences.


Keep these principles in mind

  • Check invoices carefully to ensure that the invoiced amount corresponds with the delivered scope of services or goods.
  • Never mix personal and company finances, not even temporarily.
  • Follow Metsä Group's travel and expense rules.
  • Remember that misuse of Metsä Group's property is forbidden.
  • Report without delay, if you suspect fraud or notice suspicious activity either by our own personnel or by our business partners.


Rule to remember

Fraud is never acceptable - keep an eye out for obvious signs.