Healthy, motivated and satisfied personnel is one of our success factors. At Metsä Group, occupational health and safety is an integral part of day-to-day management, and preventive actions play a key role.
Metsä Group is committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions to its personnel and contractors. We put safety first in all our operations and our target is zero work related injuries. Everyone, including our business partners, must be aware of and comply with the applicable safety standards, instructions and practices. All of us are responsible for making our workplace safe and promoting a culture to prevent accidents. We do not hesitate to step in and take corrective actions if we notice any unsafe situations or behaviours.
We want our personnel to be and feel healthy, both at work and at home. We are committed to promote and maintain physical and mental well-being. Metsä Group provides the correct processes and practices while each of us is responsible for actively maintaining and improving our own well-being.
Keep these principles in mind
- Make sure you know the safety instructions and receive the relevant safety training.
- Take corrective action, or speak up immediately, if you notice any unsafe conditions or behaviour.
- Take care of your personal health and well-being.
- Take care of the safety of your colleagues and visitors.
- Remember that our working environment is alcohol and drug free.
Rule to remember
Safety starts with me!