Our commitment to Personnel, Stakeholders and the Environment

Metsä Group is committed to this Code of Conduct and our objective is to ensure that these common ethical principles are available, understood and applied throughout Metsä Group. We must always be guided by our values – responsible profitability, reliability, cooperation and renewal – which are at the heart of this Code of Conduct.

All our personnel are expected to act ethically and do the right thing. We always follow the laws and regulations, this Code of Conduct and Metsä Group’s Policies.

Metsä Group is also committed to respecting internationally recognised human rights. We conduct our operations with honesty, integrity and transparency towards all our stakeholders. We ask, if something is unclear or seems wrong. You can find information on how to raise concerns here.

Metsä Group managers lead by example and ensure that our personnel is familiar with these principles.

At Metsä Group, we continuously improve the sustainability of our operations. We recognise the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and promote them within our areas of influence. We are committed to the UN Global Compact sustainability initiative. We engage our stakeholders and value them as an important channel in supporting our aspiration for continuous improvement of our business operations.

This Code of Conduct sets out the principles to be followed by Metsä Group companies and personnel, as well as business partners when applicable. It also addresses what kind of behaviour is unacceptable. Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in internal disciplinary actions and involvement of the authorities.

In order to ensure that our supply chain is sustainable and ethical business practices are followed, our suppliers are expected to adhere to Metsä Group’s Supplier Code of Conduct.

These 15 Code of Conduct principles summarise Metsä Group’s commitment towards key ethics and compliance areas. These principles should always be interpreted in good faith keeping in mind the best interests of Metsä Group.